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Do You Consider Yourself A Generous Neopian?


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Ooh, good luck getting lent!! :D I would love to be lent but I don't have the patience to seek a lender, unfortunately :P I took a look at your app, and it's really sweet that you zap pets to lend people :)

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I don't really have the funds to be generous, especially since I'm starting from scratch after my old main was deleted because of inactivity (I'm newly back from a loooong hiatus.) Most of what I make is going towards saving up for the lab map right now. My real-life friend and I do have a little game of giving each other random items, but never anything especially valuable, because we're both saving up for things.

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I don't really have the funds to be generous, especially since I'm starting from scratch after my old main was deleted because of inactivity (I'm newly back from a loooong hiatus.) Most of what I make is going towards saving up for the lab map right now. My real-life friend and I do have a little game of giving each other random items, but never anything especially valuable, because we're both saving up for things.

That's how I am right now.

I have an old account but never really new how to play when I started out.

But once I saving up I just start helping out by gifting people their wishlist/gallery or help fund towards dreamies xD

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Most of the time I keep to myself on Neopets, but I do have spurts of generosity where I'll send random gifts to my Neofriends or people who make interesting posts on the Neoboards/TDN boards. :)

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Ermm, sorta? I'm not really that involved in a lot of things, but I do gift people things for galleries if they're missing something, or not have something. Also, for Faerie Quests, I do sometimes just gift people the item they need if it's not too expensive. It just makes me feel so good inside when I help people :)

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