Samuel Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 The recent update to Neopet ads coding has rendered some of our guide on Removing Neopets Ads useless. It has now been updated with correct information, found towards the end of the article. HOWEVER. An answer in this week's editorial seems to imply that if you're restocking with your ads (it mentions 'images or JavaScript' specifically) turned off, this is an unfair advatage and is cheating. It's up to you to decide what you do ;) We're also told that due to the release of Magax Destroyer II, the new score needed for the avatar is now 3500; it's changed three times so far. We're also getting much closer to the release of The Daily Neopets Year 2 - the next-generation TDN. No release date will be announced, and we also have a rather awesome project on it's way; there's so many reasons for you to stick with TDN :king:
Ruto Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 I'm glad that I don't restock in the first place. ^_^ And I can't wait for the pwnsome updates. :D
Sigma Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Sweet The Daily Neopets Year 2 - the next-generation TDN is coming out soon woohoo! I cant wait for the new updates!
Superfly Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 I think Sam plans these messages in 5 weeks in advance. He probably sits on his computer, thinking 'what can I say so that people cannot wait for the release of TDN Y2.' Well Congratulations Sam, you made my heart jump for a second there, and you better not be kidding about it being soon, I think soon should be no more than a week. *starts to gather angry mob* But of course if it's more than a week, I guess I can understand. (: Have fun torturing us! Oh yea, a release date would be super nice. :P *cough* Wow, did I just say that *makes eyes look around the room*
Zac Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Geez Samuel...can't you ever give us a straight answer?!? :P
Superfly Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Well, he might not even know, maybe only Ian knows, and Ian told him, it will be soon, we are getting closer or something like that. So he could just be relaying a message. Who Knows!
Samuel Posted January 20, 2007 Author Posted January 20, 2007 I can officially say that there is no release date yet set, simply because Ian hates deadlines and usually misses them. :) And it's unlikely for that reason that we'll announce a deadline; instead, it will probably be sprung upon you. Or maybe a 24 hour countdown, but only when we're SURE it's ready to launch. For one, we have yet to transfer all the content and avatars's a chore ;) We have around 320 pieces of content onsite, and then all the avatars....dear, dear. And yeah, I'm just trying to drum up the support...kinda get people a lil excited. To be honest, we're not amazingly closer than we were a week ago, but beta testing applications will open within the next few days. Promise. And the awesome project is just to awesome to even add to the Coming Soon page ;)
Superfly Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Does he not see the torture (: Honestly, stop telling us stuff like "And the awesome project is just to awesome to even add to the Coming Soon page" I mean come on...are you trying to give me a heart attack at the age of 16? I mean you tell us that, just so that we want to know what is it, and then you will say, sorry I can't tell you. :( :P I take back what I said earlier, about Have fun torturing us. (: Just Kidding.
Samuel Posted January 20, 2007 Author Posted January 20, 2007 Pfft, I'm having fun as it is :) Not all the nooks have been sorted, but, yeah. Bad Samuel. ^_^
buzz Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Why would TNT make it easier for cheaters to cheat?
Justin Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 Secret Project 2007It's a secret. What's the difference between adding and not? It just makes people more eager to know. Samuel's such a psychological torturer. <_<
Superfly Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 True, you could add it to the coming soon page with the title of "Secret Project of '07" or something like that, nice icea prioryofsion128! That way its official, and people who don't belong to the forum, know something awesome is coming, and keep looking back to see if it was released! It's almost advertisment for the site in a way like that, becuase getting inside our minds doesn't do anything, because you know that most of us come back on here everyday, but to non-forum members! HELLO its free advertisment! xD Sorry I got a little carried away there.
Justin Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 True, you could add it to the coming soon page with the title of "Secret Project of '07" or something like that, nice icea prioryofsion128! Hey TJ I quoted that from the Coming Soon page. It's Samuel who wrote that thingy.
Superfly Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 LOL, oops, then sorry, I thought Sam said it was to awesome to add to the page, so he wasn't going to, oh well! Nice Idea TDN, great way of FREE Advertisment -..-
Justin Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 We're going off topic, aren't we? Anyone got the Magax Destroyer avatar? I got that while the score was still 2200.
antiaircraft Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 Who is going to be allowed to beta test?
Superfly Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 No, I think we are okay becuase we are talking about the Secret Project and such, so I guess its on topic, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong mods. Beta Testing, will I guess go through application, since that is what Sam said something about above, so watch out for applications to come with in the next few days.
Samuel Posted January 21, 2007 Author Posted January 21, 2007 That's the other Secret Project, quoted there :D I'm not even sure what it's about, Eric and Matt are working on it. To be a beta tester, you'll have to apply. You'll also have to agree to a set of rules and conditions regarding Beta testing. Those accepted - around 8 - will have their IP addresses added to the database and then will be able to view the new site. Witht hat, you're required to make long, critical posts about what's good, what isn't, etc. Beta testing will open soon. Applications will start in the next few days. And in case anyone leaks the URL of the new site, it's fine; only people with IP addresses that are allowed can view it ;)
Justin Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 I'm not even sure what it's about, Eric and Matt are working on it. Wow, the communication between departments isn't going really good. <_< There's secret here, there's secret there. There's secrets everywhere. I wonder how many secret project they are still keeping from us.
Superfly Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 Maybe they should all tell TJ the secret projects so that someone knows everything! ;) All of a sudden TJ woke up and realized it was all a dream. :P Samuel, you said somewhere around 8 people for beta-testing, does that include staff, or will it be all the staff, and then 8 more non-staff/forum members? (just trying to calculate my odds here)
Zac Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 THe FMs will get first priority then the SMs and then the regular members for applications...i think
Awesome_Paul Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 whoa, so many new things leant this weekend if you keep to the faith, you can stop rain eggs explode in a fire 3 secret projects and beta testing
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