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So I went away for the weekend and when I came back to my Habitarium on Neopets, I was in for a shock. Out of my original population of 20, it had dropped to 8. O______O I didn't know it could go downhill that fast! D: I was only gone for three days!


*coughs* Anyway, moving on to my main question. It seems that attacks have left NO Soldiers in my Habitarium. None. Nada. Zilch. Therefore, this leaves me open and vulnerable to attacks.


How can I get more Soldiers in the Habitarium? I already have several Nesters incubating eggs and HOPING that at least one of them ends up a Soldier so my little Habitarium can fend for itself. >_<


Anyone know any other ways to get Soldiers? o:


'Ello Tivsy... Perhaps you hatched most of the pets a week before. P3s usually live only up to 1 week... A tip is that you keep track of hatching dates and stuff...


As for your dilemma. There is currently no other way of obtaining Soldier eggs... i would give you some but I can't add neofriends and can't gift eggs... Either way... I'm pretty sure you'll get some soon... One technique is to keep offline until your eggs are ready, if you still don't have soldier eggs... repeat the process.... Pests won't attack when you're offline.


Hello, Ryuusei~


Ah, P3s only live for a week? Oh my. :laughingsmiley: That certainly explains a lot. It could be about a week since I started playing, thus having hatched my first eggs. ^^; I really don't keep track of hatching dates though. XD


Thank you for the tips, as well as for the kind offer. ^_^ I shall keep waiting until the eggs are ready to hatch. *crosses fingers and hopes for a Soldier egg soon*


That happened to me recently, too. I have a spare soldier egg I can give you. I'll add you to my list.


EDIT: Okay, so apparently you can't gift eggs. Lame. <_<


awe sorry tivsy. Make sure you keep some eggs in your bag for just such an occasion (I keep a minimum of 12 of each kind = 108). also if you are going to be away, try keeping at least half of your p3's in houses, that way they will not be attacked by invaders (this does not stop them from dying if their week is up). hope that helps in future.


Oh my, I never really keep my eggs in the bag. I shall start doing so! Thank you for the tip, Kat! XD


I also tried keeping half my P3s in the house, but they died anyhow. So yes, I believe it was the 1 week limit that made them die. But seeing them all gone like that still shocked me since I didn't know their lifespan was only one week! o:


Anyway, after some nesting, I have three soldiers again. Shall keep nesting to get more eggs now~ XD

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