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Do your things magically move? -.-

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For three months while I didn't need to use my tablet, I could tell you exactly where the tablet and pen was. Now tonight I want to use them. I can only find the tablet and I have no idea where the pen has disappeared to. ~_~

Do your things do this to you?


My first question is: Do you have a cat? :laughingsmiley:


I can't tell you the number of times I've set something somewhere, been nowhere near it to move it, and can't find it. Then later I'll find it under the couch, where my cat knocked it off, then proceeded to bat at it until it was under the couch/rug/table/fridge. (That happened with my pens ALL THE TIME with him. He's trouble.)


:laughingsmiley: You never know. Cats are tricky. At my parent's house, they have a turn-style type cabinet in their kitchen. After hearing a noise one day, I found he'd gotten in there, and closed it after him, and he was just batting at the door. (He gets in the regular cabinets too.)


Seriously? D; If I find my pen in the cat's bed I won't be happy with them. ¬_¬ Ahahahahaha.

And now my headphones have just gone missing -.-


You might not find the headphones. My sister's cat and dog were all about eating them.


You never know. Try checking under things. (My cat's favorite places was the couch and fridge. We probably found over 10 toys of his, and other things, under those places when we moved them.


Every time I try to scold my cats my parents have a go at me about it 'not being fair to take my anger out on the cat' -.-


I ask myself the same question all the time. Ahahahaha. Mind you, it'd be a different story if the cat went and moved their stuff/left dead birds and mice on their bedroom floor. ¬_¬



I've never scolded any of my cats. They look up at me with those big big eyes and all I can do is say "awwwww" and hug them xD


Because of that, my cats have some very bad habits though -.-


But yeah, whenever something of mine goes missing, 99% of the time, it was one of my cats.


And speak of the devil! Here's one of them now. It's my little Siamese, Newton <3


He's trying to swat at my hand as I type -.- (But he's cute, so I forgive him :))


I lose things and I don't even have a cat :P

I just have a really horrible memory :)


Same here! I misplace things all the time! XD Good thing my room is small and I don't really have to look far to find my missing object. :3


I misplace things all. the. time. its kinda funny, actually. usually ends up with me freaking out. its always important stuff too. like textbooks i want to keep

On the note of the siamese: I love siamese.

I have a siamese rat. I used to have a russian blue rat until about a week ago v.v

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