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How much does the Randomly Firing Freeze Ray actually cost?

Starr Katt

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some people try to get it for practically free. see what the price is around. i usually check the trades and go 5k down from that so if its selling for 100k i do 95k. if someone offers 90k don't reject and wait, but if nobody offers higher accept it. Sorry if I didn't tell you actual price. Forgot to read header haha but check on trades also.

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Starr katt... what if after the huge mass of everyone having them... they lower in price?



Well, I'm worried about that too.

But if people keep making the price go higher, the ones that offer them cheap will too, and it will get expensive. But you're right, that could happen too.

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I bought 4 yesterday for ~200k each. that might be a bit overprice but eh, I'll make cash from it :D


Also, don't worry about the price dropping unless it gets hit by nerfhammer. Which I doubt. The price will start to increase with rapid pace as hoarders wake up, and the ones currently in SDBs start moving to them.

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