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Braces, Expanders, the like


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Anyone have that feeling in their mouth....caused by some metal that never deserved to invade your mouth?


Weeell.....COME RANT HERE!

My expander's killing me. I have braces and and expander and I don't get the latter off for 2 more weeks. PLus our school dance is next weekend, ugh! My braces are blue & purple by the way...



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:laughingsmiley: I had braces for a year and a half when I was 9-10. And during part of 3rd grade, I had to have rubber bands that went on both sides, from bottom, to top, to bottom, to top and back to bottom. Those were miserable. Not only hard to put in, but easy to snap, and they were painful when they snapped.


I had fun with the colors too. I changed every month.

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Yes, I've had that feeling before, especially when I first got my braces about a year ago. They hurt for about three days and it was hard to eat anything.

Also, I recently got elastics, and they really hurt and are quite annoying. They are also a pain to put in :/

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i have really crooked teeth so instead of my braces hurting for 3 days, they hurt for a month :crying_blow: and when the evil orthodontists tightened them it hurt SO MUCH :grrr: evil evil evil orthodontists.....

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Does anyone have a retainer? Honestly, How is it? Painful? I will probably have to get one after my braces come off. :sick01:


I have a set. I had to wear them after I got my braces off to ensure my teeth didn't move back. Honestly, I don't wear them anymore. I actually haven't worn them in over 10 years and any movement in my teeth has been minimal and un-noticeable. I can actually still put my retainers on, though they're slightly tighter. (Which is a bad example. If they give them to you, wear them.) My sister got braces at the same time as me, and got her's off about 6 months before mine, and she STILL wears her retainers.


They aren't painful, at least ours weren't. They took some getting used to, so they made my teeth sore in the beginning, but they got easier, and I only needed to wear them at night. Sometimes, you get a spot where the plastic rubs on your tongue, or something, but you just take them in and they can fix them.

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I had a headgear thats how we called it ^^" for a year, I had to wear it 10 hour/a day but I never did more than seven ^^"

After that I got a retainer with that little rubbers on side...


But I never had problems with it, sure it did hurt to put them in but I never mind that much.

I have perfect teeth now so it was definitely worth it =D

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I have a set. I had to wear them after I got my braces off to ensure my teeth didn't move back. Honestly, I don't wear them anymore. I actually haven't worn them in over 10 years and any movement in my teeth has been minimal and un-noticeable. I can actually still put my retainers on, though they're slightly tighter. (Which is a bad example. If they give them to you, wear them.) My sister got braces at the same time as me, and got her's off about 6 months before mine, and she STILL wears her retainers.


They aren't painful, at least ours weren't. They took some getting used to, so they made my teeth sore in the beginning, but they got easier, and I only needed to wear them at night. Sometimes, you get a spot where the plastic rubs on your tongue, or something, but you just take them in and they can fix them.

okay :P thanks for calming any hidden fears of pain :worried:

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Ooooooooooooh I totally remember when I had braces :P I got them off the summer of 2008, man was I exited :P

I really hated how they always cut up my mouth and like ow D: especially when they fiddled with the wire and then like and hour afterwards it was all like siufhisuhgospdhygpshgp



Anywho, it's been a while, but I still have my permanent retainers (one on top and one on the bottom) and also I have a removable one too .. which I never wear :*


it's be so much better when you get them off, trust me :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to do the expander for two years, which hurt SO BADLY, all of the time. Whenever I had to tighten it myself, I was nearly in tears. :sad02:


Right after that, I had braces for a year and a half! I loved them at the time; even though they hurt, I loved having funky colored rubber bands on them.


Right after those, I got my retainer (which I still have after two years T_____T). I can't even feel my retainer, and I sometimes even forget it's there! :laughingsmiley:

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