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Hey I want to know a good name for a comic shop. I'm thinking when I'm older i'll own one. Here is my best 1 so far

Comic City

Lame I know


Keeps comics and board games, mostly for show, but still for sale. Mostly card games and comics.


Let me try to cook up a Comic Shop name... you could try Comictopia.


...or maybe even The Collector's Closet, thinking up of good names is a challenge if you ask me.


My local comic shop is called Mint Condition Comics, which I think is a pretty cute name. :)

I wouldn't be able to come up with an original name though; I'm terrible at naming things :P


Unlike those two ^^, I don't have a comic shop :P


I'd recommend something like nerdy cool, if you know what I mean, but that's totally just my opinion.


good luck on finding a name :)


I like the sound of Graphica.


Like Graphic Novel.


The comic store in the city I used to live in was called Curious Comics.


Well if you are a marvel fan: Comic Marvels...

Dc fan: Comic Cave

Some others: Comic Cool, Marvelous Comics, Hidden Gem Comics, Dark Comics, cimocs Comics (<not serious getting the imagination flowing) Crazy comics, Everything Comics, (your name here) Comics, C-c-c-c-Comics! Well those are some of the ones I can think of... Hope this helps

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