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The Black Pteri


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I just got The Black Pteri while playing solitaire (OMG GASP!!! I did not see THAT comming!) Problem is what do I do now? I'm afraid to loose him as a challenger! Once you have been challenged to a one-player battle, can you loose that challenge? I heard how rare it is to get the black pteri and I don't want to loose it, but I'm not really ready to challenge him due to how newbish I am. Please help! I'm afraid :ohno:

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Once you get them as a battledome challenger, you can't lose them. They go to your one-player battledome list, and they stay there. Unless they are a plotline creature, at which point they disappear after that part of the plot ends.


Mind you, I don't use the battledome anymore, and have not for years. :P

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The black pteri is a decently strong challenger, I wouldn't suggest going into battle with him if you're a newbie. As a test, you can try to battle challengers with a lower difficulty level first, like the chia clown.

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