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Feed Florg


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Hi! I hope I'm posting this in the right section sorry if it's the wrong one ^^; anyway just recently I completly redid my Feed Florg guide and I was hoping for some feedback on it. I redid the entire layout so it's easier to read and find certain sections and I editted the info along with some explaination of how to go about playing the game to hopefully get the avatar. Any constructive critism is very welcome and ofcourse your own experience with the game that might help other players out! Heres the link: http://www.neopets.com/~Mytachi

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Oh I remember reading your guide when I was chasing for the avatar. And it was really helpful for me. It only took me a month to get above the avatar score and get frozen because of it as well. But that just shows how good your guide is :P


The current layout is well organised and clear. (Black font on white background always help here!) I also like the solid color of your background. It's not distracting as a pattern would be in this case.


You might want to spellcheck your guide (i.e. "eachother" should be "each other" in two words).

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You got frozen for having a good score? 0_0; Never heard about that before.


Thanks for pointing out the typo! Spellcheck doesn't seem to get everything and english isn't my first language so I figured it would have some typo's still.


Edit: while fixin the each other typo I noticed it was the unchecked version XD copy and pasted the right one into it so it should all be fixed now.

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How did you get frozen for getting a high score?


I wanted to get the avatar score, but the game is so fastly paced when you reach that point that your score increase quickly. I got a score of 313 pts (and I screenied it), which got me frozen once it was reviewed. I know that it was the problematic thing that got me frozen because an instant before being frozen my Meerca Chase II score got accepted, but the Feed Florg high-score doesn't show in the highscore list of that account. I went through the explanation process with TNT and they never accepted to give me back my account.


As personal revenge, the first flash game avatar I unlocked on my new account was Feed Florg with a score of 292 pts (screenied also). Which proof that I am just skilled at that game. >.> I also have a "Second place at Feed Florg!!" trophy.

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Xepha: That really sucks what with your account being frozen and all... :/ (But congrats on the trophy :P).


And Demy, I really liked your guide. I haven't tried for that avatar yet, but I'm going to start today :). I found one typo where you wrote "slog" instead of "flog." It's under the "The Petpets" section :).

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It really blows that TNT would freeze your account for that. I would think they can somehow see that you got that avatar simply by being so good at the game and you even explained it to them.


Thanks for pointing out that typo Alice. It has been fixed! Good luck with getting the avatar!


And Xerophyte I think best thing to do is to play till you have 250 points and then just end the game...even though it's really stupid especially if you get the chance to get a highscore. But just to be on the safe side that might just be the best option.

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I really like how you have the list of how many lives you should have depending on how many points you have. When I was playing for the avatar I realized that sometimes even if I lost a life before 50 points, I could still keep the other four lives long enough that it didn't matter. A lot of this game depends on getting that lucky combination of petpets so that you don't have to make a choice between going for two different petpets. I think it's a very nice guide. :)

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when i first started playing, i didn't know about the avatar and i got 203.

now that im actually trying to get the avatar, i cant get over 200 -___-


aw just keep trying! You'll eventually get a lucky game and get the avatar! In the end luck is the only way to get it as it is. Good luck!

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