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What should I do?

Tank Girl

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I'm in a bit of predicament TDN'ers and I could do with some help!


I adopted a pet off Tradeneopets.com, Ozrion the Faerie Buzz. It took a couple of days to get it all sorted and I adopted him through the pound.

A couple of days later I received a neomail from that account saying that they had been hacked and that they didn't mean for Ozrion to be pounded so I offered to give him back to her.

She wanted me to use my transfers for next month but I refused (as I frequently move my pets from account to account) but offered to pound him at a specific time that was good for her and she could adopt him back from there.


It's now two days later and she has asked if I could wait another 7 days til she adopts him. I have four pets on my side (where Ozrion is) and I have recently put a lab map on that account. If I wait 7 days, I lose 7 days zapping and I've got a moral conflict about what to do! I have asked if she has a side that she could adopt him from, but I'm afraid she's not going to reply as every neomail is a couple of days apart.


I'm not intending to keep Ozrion as it is. On tradeneopets the name started with a capital letter, but when I adopted him I realised he didn't have one - I should have checked - so I was intending to pound him anyway before the e-mail. I was wondering if I should see what time I received the neomails and say that I'm putting him in the pound tomorrow at that time, and it's up to her whether she adopts him back or not (this sounds harsh but she said in the first neomail she didn't expect him back and to enjoy him).


What should I do?

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Considering that the laboratory usually takes days, if not weeks or even month to give a worthy change... it would really not bother me not to be able to zap for a couple days.

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I've been pretty lucky recently. In the last week I've zapped both an Apple and a Plum Chia after only a couple of zaps, and I've decided I want to collect them so I'm a bit hesitant to lose opportunities to zap. I only got my second map last week :(

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What's a week compared to the months/years to come on Neopets. It's nothing :P

Anyway, that's just my point of view. However you are in a no way linked by any contract with the supposed previous owner of the pet. They could be lying about it, as far as we know. The pound is a fair game, and you never have to give back a pet that you adopt through it.

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arggg Moral delema. Can only say that you should do what you would want someone else to do for you (even though we all know that someone else would probably not do the same). Good Luck with your decision

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I don't understand, the pet was on tradeneopets.com, but then when you adopted it, they said they got hacked?

Yes that does make little sense. Why would a hacker pound a pet? wouldnt they trade it for a pet they wanted? What would they gain? I do not mean to be cynical but could they just have wanted a place to "store" their pet? It is up to you. You have not obligation (except a moral one i suppose).

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I'm going to have to interject here and ask that people please refrain from abusing the term 'hacker'. See the link in my signature for more details. :)


I have to agree with V on this point - a few days worth of zapping isn't technically going to make much difference at all, no matter how lucky you've been lately. If you're planning on being nice and returning the pet, you might as well go all the way. ;)

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