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Hi guys! Would any of you be so kind to review my entry for the random contest? Posted in the staff section since I trust you guys, but not everyone on TDN and I don't want anyone to steal my hard work.


The contest:


Daily Dare is here and we are excited! We were talking about games and what our favourite types of games are. Many people said that they love board games. This inspired us, so your challenge this week is to create a board game based on a Neopets game. (Use a non-board game themed game please.) Please tell us what game you made into a board game, if there are any changes in how it works, and what you used to make it in the description. We're judging the game on how close it is to the original, creativity, and overall awesomeness.


My entry:


Freaky Factory Boardgame


Players: 1-4


Setup: Every player gets 3 iron tons, each for one colour (red, blue and yellow). The Grundo is placed on the final spot on the board. The two cardstacks are placed on the designed spots on the boardgame. All red/yellow/blue blobs are placed in one pouch, all ‘special’ blobs are placed in a cup or bowl.

Goal: To get as many point from toys on the end of the board (a cardboard box) within a set number of turns.




The first player picks one coloured blob from the pouch, he will put a number of chips responding to the colour in his vat, equal to the number featured on the blob. (e.g. You pick up a yellow blob with II on it, then you’ll get two chips for your yellow vat.) Put the blob back in the pouch after this.


The player now will pick the upper card from the ‘Pets’ stack. On the card is a toy with a colour, amount of the colour needed and the reward. The player may choose to accept or decline the card. (e.g. Green Chomby, 3 of yellow, 3 of blue). If the player accepts the card he can put it in front of himself and has to create the toy within 3 turns of the card (keep track of this with small paper circles). If declined, put back under the stack.


If the player is able to create the toy, he will have to put the created toy on the first game Spot. He can throw a dice to see how many steps he can take. Make sure to remove the used chips from the iron vat.


Now the player may throw a dice. If the player throws 2, 4 or 6, he can pick a lucky card from the ‘Lucky!’ stack. If the player throws 1, 3 or 5, he will have to throw the Grundo dice. If the Grundo dice lands on the eyes of the Grundo, the player will have to move the Grundo the thrown 1, 3 or 5 places in either direction on the game spots.


Score system:


For every character who finished, the amount of points stated on the card will be added to the player’s score. For every character that cannot be created, the amount of points stated on the card will be removed from the player’s card.



Power-ups can be a lucky card gift, which you can reject or accept. You may decide when to use them yourselves. If you have used them, put back in the bin. You cannot reject power-ups once you’ve taken one from the bin.


  • Speedy blob: Will double the number of steps you can take with your toy.
  • Clock blob: Put this on a toy card and you will have an unlimited amount of turns to create the toy instead of 3. Put back after creating toy.
  • Ice blobs: These cut the number of steps you can take in half. (If you get 2.5 steps, make it 3.)
  • Angel blob: Fill any colour vat with 5 chips.
  • Radioactive blob: Upgrades all your pets on the board to a higher level (next colour level) for better points. If highest level already, this does not apply.



- You cannot move the Grundo from the final spot to the first spot or vice versa.

- If a player still has a toy on the start spot, they need to move this one before creating another toy.




The board:



Actual Gameplay:



Blobs, Special Blobs, Grundo, Grundo Dice



That's awesome, Iris! *applies stamp of approval carefully so as not to smush the blobs*


I kinda wish there was a way to play it long distance. We could play it at the staff meeting. :P


It sounds like a ton of fun!

Hope you bring it at our next office party around Ian's pool ;)


Since you can only submit one image to the Random Contest, I guess that you are going to collage them in some ways? :P


This game looks like lots of fun! I like Freaky Factory, and I think your board game version looks like grand fun.


It sounds like a ton of fun!

Hope you bring it at our next office party around Ian's pool ;)


Since you can only submit one image to the Random Contest, I guess that you are going to collage them in some ways? :P

Yep! Don't quite know how yet but somehow I'll manage to fit all in one tiny picture that they require :P


If I ever end up meeting with one of you we might play this game ;)


It sounds like a ton of fun!

Hope you bring it at our next office party around Ian's pool ;)

:O They have pools in Ohio?


But isn't it... :guiltysmiley: cold?

  • 4 weeks later...

Okay guys, today seems to finally be the closing day for the Random Contest... Now just anxiously waiting for the winner ;)


Well I checked for the winner and didn't see yours :(

Maybe you made it to third place though...


Not even that Xepha, it seems like after they accepted my Art Gallery entries twice, they felt like the Random Contest was a bit too good for me.


Or maybe because there's already another Freaky Factory boardgame (good, by the way... I like my design of the board more though).


They didn't do 3rd places with this one..

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