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My Usul Zapped Chocolate :D


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Isn't he Gorgeous? :3

I'm tempted to keep him like this!

But the whole reason I started zapping him was so I could get some Stat Increases and all...

But. He's so cute :O


Should I continue zapping him?

Or should I keep him the way he is? :O

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Don't zap him anymore, Chocolate Pets are a rare treat. You should keep that Chocolate Usul the way he is, it's a perfect fit for your family. :yes:

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I think I'll stop zapping him, and start training him with Codestones instead? :3

But... I need a new lab pet, and I don't have any transfers in my account left for this month!

Maybe I could just Zap Autery?

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Personally I don't like Yurbles, except the baby ones ^^ So in my opinion you should zap him :P


I'm actually in love with your Usul. I want a Choco Usul now. New dreamie <3

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He looks great! Definitely keep him chocolate :)

You could just not zap for the rest of the month if you want to keep Autreys colour. I've been a bit silly in the past with zapping and getting rid of pets and colours that I quite liked just because it felt like a waste not to zap :(

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If i were you, id zap Pollyatta, maybe get a better color.


It took me a month to save for her Royal Paint brush :O

I would never zap her!


I think I might continue Zapping Me_e for a while, even though is he Gorgeous the way he is!

But, I just don't see him as being a Permanent part of my Family as a Chocolate Usul.

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Oh man, congrats!!! :D Choco Usuls are totally gorgeous! :wub_anim:


I'd just stop zapping for a while, if you like your pets the way they are. Nothing wrong with taking a zap break ^_^

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