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I don't know about anyone else, but my husband has issues with Firefox, but it turned out, he'd had it open for too long (I'm talking, days at a time, he doesn't always shut it down at night), so it was using massive amounts of CPU. He restarted Firefox, and the lagging stopped.


I had rotten luck... I mean seriously... It was reaaaaaallllly laggy for me... even with Low quality and small sized... Changed to Firefox, it still was laggy. I mistakingly challenged Abigail thinking it was hopeless. I restarted the game, it wasn't laggy at all. And I could easily reach 3500... :/ This is annoying.


it was laggy for me at first too, but then i downloaded adobe 10.2(or something like that) and it worked better.

But for some reason the arrow key get stuck(happens more often with IE8 and adobe 10.2) so i use the arrows on the numbers.


by the way, i managed only 1600 with lag and 4000-ish without the lag


Took me a solid 20 minutes but I slowly made progress and beat AAA's score. One tip I found is the Faerie Yooyou powerup is usually a trap ::cue's Admiral Ackbar:: because you'll probably die shortly thereafter from a wall of enemies. So I avoid getting it, no matter how many goodie bags they tempt me with. The spikey yooyou ball though is a solid powerup and lets you kill all the badies. Die badies, die!


Haha agree :D I can totally imagine someone hitting the keys with the crazy look in his eyes with a thought: DIIIEEEE *******, DIE!!!! :evil:

Okay, need to calm down ^_^

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