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How to apply for UFA


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Okay, a couple of months ago I applied to adopt a Maraquan Shoyru...and I lost. :sad02: I made a petpage app with animated images and everything, but apparently it wasn't good enough.


Now there's a Transparent Wocky ufa I REALLY REALLY want.


The owner has indicated that either Neomail or Petpage app is fine, but -- they want there to be "some kind of character" involved.


Like I'm supposed to make up some big long dumb story about how me and this pet are going to run off into the wilderness and fight space aliens with lasers or some such valiant silliness.


Clearly, I have disdain for this whole process. When I have a pet UFA, I just look at how long someone's been on Neo, and if their pets are in good condition. I could give a rat's toenail if the prospective adopter has an imagination and too much time on their hands.


So, I am begging for your insight. Have you ever had a pet UFA and wanted a petpage app, or some kind of 'character'-based thing? If so, what led you to choose the one you liked most? I need pointers please, thanks :)

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I've made an app for a pet where the owner also wanted some sort of story or character for her.


Since I'm not really into apps, all I did was write a lame 'character' based off of how I was going to customize her, just to give a little bit of a background/reasoning behind it all. From the start, I knew that she was going to wear the sleuth outfit for her species, so I wrote that she was some sort of detective trying to find out what type of species Dr. Sloth is lol *yawn*


Seemed to do the trick heh


Nothing elaborate and certainly nothing that I really had planned on - but it fit and made her happy.

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Seriously? Owners are asking you to do this just to adopt their pets. Sorry, just unreal. I can't think of anything to help you out, wish I could.


Yessss! I'm so glad someone else sees the utter stupidity of it all! :D

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I understand your frustration, but some people get as attached to the things in their virtual world (pets, etc) as they do to their things in the real world. So you can see how some people might be motivated to go to extreme lengths to make sure their pets are adopted by people that will not try to trade them away, or otherwise do "harm" to their pet, or their pet's "emotional well-being" (yes, there are people like that out there).


Honestly, I see it as a little over the top. If I am going to get rid of a beloved pet (My shoyrus will NEVER be up for trade, neither will my Lupe, unless, for some reason, I become disillusioned by him in the future... I think I may stop lab zapping him now (and battle the Lab ray person to get him back to a him...)), then I will go to far less extreme measures to make sure that they will be well-looked after. For instance, if I cannot find a friend that wants the pet, then I will make a post, say that I want to find a good home, and tell them a little about the pet, and if I get a lot of people, I might neomail the top contendesr a couple more questions... Just to see if they're the best fit for my pet. No ridiculous stories, no need to change the pet pages, etc. Simple and painless.


That said, I need to either pound, or find a home for my sketch ixi, Rednose_Rudolph, that I picked up from the pound before Christmas. I am getting a new beloved, in the form of a wocky, from a very good friend. So yeah. I think what most people do to get rid of their pets is ridiculous, but you know. Gotta have SOME crazies out there. :P

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Some people take the application process waaay too far. I don't think making up stories is dumb--I'm a writer--but some of the conditions for what happens after you adopt are ridiculous. What happens after is none of your business.


But anyway, just write a paragraph and if it's not worth it to you, don't do it.

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Some people take the application process waaay too far. I don't think making up stories is dumb--I'm a writer--but some of the conditions for what happens after you adopt are ridiculous. What happens after is none of your business.


But anyway, just write a paragraph and if it's not worth it to you, don't do it.


Just for the record, I didn't say that making up stories is dumb. I said the story I would make up would be dumb. :)

I actually said that making up stories for pets is stupid. Not dumb. :laughingsmiley:

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I like the idea of a slight back story for pets, not going riiight into one though. And I know which Wockey you're on about, I have also seen it and applied. I'm not writing a story though, screw that!

It's kind of harsh to expect people to compete like that and try and impress you with their story telling skills. Either you want to put your pet up for adoption or you don't, it's stupid to be so picky. As long as you know that person is into Neopets and will look after it that should be good enough. I'm not that bothered about the Wockey though to be honest, Transparent Mynci's are cooler and they'll be better ones coming out this year.

I do hope you get it though!

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I like the idea of a slight back story for pets, not going riiight into one though. And I know which Wockey you're on about, I have also seen it and applied. I'm not writing a story though, screw that!

It's kind of harsh to expect people to compete like that and try and impress you with their story telling skills. Either you want to put your pet up for adoption or you don't, it's stupid to be so picky. As long as you know that person is into Neopets and will look after it that should be good enough. I'm not that bothered about the Wockey though to be honest, Transparent Mynci's are cooler and they'll be better ones coming out this year.

I do hope you get it though!


So basically I'm reading from you, "I applied for the same Wocky that you would KILL to have...but I don't really want it, so whatever."


Does this mean if you win it, you'll give him to me? :D

Because that's how my life goes. I don't get stuff I REALLY want. Someone undeserving gets it instead. :P

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OI! I'm not undeserving missus! But yes if I got it I would give it to you, because I'm so lovely and you're a cheeky cow! :)


lol! You are indeed lovely! And I think I probably am a 'cheeky cow,' and hopefully that is a good thing. :laughingsmiley:

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