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Anyone else 'should' be studying?


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So this past week was my reading week and instead of studying I pretty much wasted it! I should be studying chemistry right now but clearly I am not haha. Anyone else in the same boat, or does anyone have any tips to stay in the books and away from the computer?

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I can't count how many hours I've wasted here and on Neo (and on Facebook)

(and on DeviantArt)


when I should have been studying.


I think my problem is that when I don't know how to start something, I just won't start it. It's counterproductive and completely inane, but that's just how my mind works.

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That's actually a pretty constant state for me. Should be studying but instead working on something for TDN.


As for how to stay off the computer, make the computer your incentive to work. "I'll finish my math(s) homework, and then I'll allow myself 15 minutes to check on my pets/look at emails/chat on TDN." And hold yourself to those. Or if you feel like you have to have the computer on, try making a playlist/queue on Youtube of 5-10 songs and tell yourself you will not touch the computer until those songs have played through.

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I think my problem is that when I don't know how to start something, I just won't start it. It's counterproductive and completely inane, but that's just how my mind works.


Yeah my mind works the same way! The worst for me though is when I'm part way through and then I can't figure out a question so I just do something else and never finish it!

I've submitted so many incomplete assignments just because I wait to last minute to do them, get stuck on the hard problems and then convince myself that its better than a 0 so I hand it in like that :( I really need to raise my standards o_O


As for how to stay off the computer, make the computer your incentive to work. "I'll finish my math(s) homework, and then I'll allow myself 15 minutes to check on my pets/look at emails/chat on TDN." And hold yourself to those. Or if you feel like you have to have the computer on, try making a playlist/queue on Youtube of 5-10 songs and tell yourself you will not touch the computer until those songs have played through.


Yeah I think timing myself would be a good idea. So many times I would just go for 5 minutes and then realize and hour has passed. Sometimes though my work is on the computer, in which case I'm pretty much doomed XD multiple tabs open, 5 different distractions at once! Sometimes I feel like I should just disconnect my internet for day and only do work...

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Disconnecting isn't actually a bad idea. You'll be frustrated for a while, not having the familiar internet connection, but it helps. I once switched my wifi ability off and taped the button there so I couldn't switch it back on easily. I got so much more work done, once I finally got done being annoyed at the lack of internet.

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Oh okay, I'll try it out tomorrow then! If I disconnect it tonight then maybe I'll sleep off the annoyance and work away tomorrow :) you hopefully will not see me being an epic fail by catching me on the site lool Thanks for the help ;)

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If you have firefox, this might be helpful:



It lets you pick and choose sites to block and when to block them, so you can still use your computer for research/coding/whatever. You just have to avoid the temptation of resetting the timer or switching to another browser. Hopefully you have at least that much willpower! (oftentimes....I don't, especially when I have a site fully blocked. But this has helped me keep strict 30 minute limits on facebook)

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I also experience this problem often... I have ADD, which means it's hard for me to concentrate and I easily get distracted. Usually when I have to do my homework, when I say to myself: I'm going to take a 10-minute break, then I set an alarm for 10 minutes. This works most of the time. You should remember that it's nicer to do things you like after you finished the things you have to do, instead of doing the things you like to do first and doing the things that you have to do at the end of the day. I hope this makes sense, it's hard to explain :*

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Good luck on your final!


If you have firefox, this might be helpful:



I will definitely be trying this out!


You should remember that it's nicer to do things you like after you finished the things you have to do, instead of doing the things you like to do first and doing the things that you have to do at the end of the day.


That makes a LOT of sense. Lately I was in the habit of doing all my dailies in the morning before going to school, but I think I'm going to switch it to the end of the day. That way it becomes more of a reward for me.


So turning off my internet didn't exactly do wonders for me, but timing how long i spend on the computer did! I studied for a few hours this morning and then took a 15 min. break. (Which is what I'm doing now lol!) Thanks for the help guys :)

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That makes a LOT of sense. Lately I was in the habit of doing all my dailies in the morning before going to school, but I think I'm going to switch it to the end of the day. That way it becomes more of a reward for me.


So turning off my internet didn't exactly do wonders for me, but timing how long i spend on the computer did! I studied for a few hours this morning and then took a 15 min. break. (Which is what I'm doing now lol!) Thanks for the help guys :)


I'm glad I (and the other people here) could help you! And I'm glad that you understood what I said ^_^

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I usually find I study best if I get up early and go to the library, or go to uni early on weekdays and study. It limits distractions and gives me more time in the afternoon/evening for being social or doing what I want to do!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Goodness gracious, next month will be exams for me. And it's hard to stay off from the computer. I should study better since I'm having tests next week.

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I should be doing a thousand things right now!! But what I've got planned for today is to do the homework for a drawing class, which means... well, drawing. Which I love but I have SO MUCH TO DO!!! (Which is why I'm on here instead.)


Actually, the reason I'm on here is that my girlfriend/roommate is still asleep, which means I don't want to turn the lights on and wake her up. Also my marker box is incredibly noisy. So you see, I actually can't do my homework!! It's not my fault!! :guiltysmiley: :sad01_anim:

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  • 1 month later...

HAHA this is me exactly. AP exams start Monday and I'm hanging out on the forums instead of cramming like I should be. Ah, well this board made me want to go back to studying again, kinda-ish? XD


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