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Hi I'm Sofi and I've been playing Neopets for over 9 years :) I still use my original account and i'm an avatar collector, you might see me on the ac board most days.


I figured i'd join this forum as i use the site daily and it'd be nice to talk outside of the neopets forums :)

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Hiya Sofi and welcome to the forum :) Everyone's wicked on here, hope you enjoy it.


I'm Shannon!


You're lucky you still have your original account, I've lost all the info for my old ones! Only one transfer per month, wahhh :(

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Hey :D Welcome to the forums!


I'm an avatar collector too :P But I usually just work on them myself and don't lurk around the AC board much.


Unlike you, I don't play with my first original account anymore. It's over 7 years old and I still have it, but I only use it to store pets sometimes.

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Yeh it's cool having my old account cos i still have the pets i made when i was 11 lol but i have like no np and really i should have loads, i just don't save =/ tbh i don't really like the ac board it seems to be full of lend me posts or people chatting to there friends..i just go on there looking for av simon boards cos i like playing :P I'm just working on the top gamer avatar 99 more games to go..:)

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Hey there Sofi, I'm Neomysterion. I had my account for nearly nine years now (will be in April). Not to mention that I also stopped by and said hi to your Unconverted Plushie Flotsam and checked out your avatar collection as well. I'm not too big on avatar collecting myself (unlike you), but I'm still willing to get that Chocolate avatar myself. :)

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Hey there Sofi, I'm Neomysterion. I had my account for nearly nine years now (will be in April). Not to mention that I also stopped by and said hi to your Unconverted Plushie Flotsam and checked out your avatar collection as well. I'm not too big on avatar collecting myself (unlike you), but I'm still willing to get that Chocolate avatar myself. :)


Hey i'd say i'm not a hardcore collector i've just been very lucky. Like most av items i've been lent for free just because of my account age and ive never really spent that much time trying to get an av i just give up too easily lol. But ive spent like 10 hours today trying to find out my magma pool time :( grr.


& thanks i love my uc flotsam cos i painted him years ago, he's always been my pet...most people just trade for pets they like nowadays. But i really hate the new plushie flotsam :O


& that chocolate av is very frustrating!

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