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Question About Intelligence


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I have a lot of books in my SDB and they're starting to clutter things up and I was thinking that I could read them all to my battle pet but would that harm me in any way for training her?

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Harm you? I'm not sure how making your pet more intelligent could possibly harm you. If anything it will help you if you are trying to use one of the few battledome equipment that require a certain intelligence. Pretty much though, more that likely, your pet's intelligence doesn't really matter other than it looks cool.

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on a closely related topic, can your pet actually lose intelligence?


and why did they cancel the neoschool idea that they were planning to float about a decade ago? I remember that idea actually being a popular player request at the time.

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Yeah I remember Neoschools. They started selling "supplies" beforehand. They never implemented it. Maybe they just didn't know how, or got busy doing other stuff. *shrugs*


I googled it. Nothing came up.



Here is one of the official school supplies - Chia Pencil Holder.

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There are actually some very strong battle weapons that give an extra boost if you have a very intelligent pet. I personally have made my battledome pet also a reader. As long as you just use the books you find on that pet you will be surprised at how smart he/she will become with little to no investment.

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I have exactly 57 books in my SDB and I got the packrat avvie about a year ago. Thanx I will start reading my books to stripes. I just wasn't sure if it affected me at all when it came to training.

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Actually, there is 1 way i know of to lose intelligence. and that is to hit the angry king hagan symbol on the wheel of knowledge :( other than that, idk. there is a random event where your pet can forget a book, but how does it effect the intelligence, i dnt know

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