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Removing 'cant gets' from avatar checklist?

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So on my 'Avatars you need - Avail' list, there are a couple that are impossible for me to get. For example, I have Meerouladen, so I can't possibly get Heermeedjet. And there's a Korbat - Royal that I can't get because I already have the one for female gender accounts.


Is there a way that we can take these off of our 'Avatars you need - Avail' list?

Or any av for that matter that we feel that we're never going to get.


Avatarlog used to let you do this. :)


p.s. I'm pretty sure I used an apostrophe in the word "can't" in the title of this post. But there isn't one now. My most wholehearted apologies.


It's not currently possible to do...

although it doesn't seem so hard to conceive as boolean logic for me...


I agree! It's like those avatars are sitting there, taunting me. :(


Also, I've noticed that the Daily Dare Staff Tournament avatar is in the "Avatars You Need (Available)" list, even though it's considered retired. Shouldn't it be moved to the unavailable list, or is it expected to be seasonal? :eh:


I've noticed the Daily Dare Staff Avatar too.

I keep thinking it's available and clicking the link but it's not ):


Also, when I generate the html code thing for Avatars I Need, it puts retired/unavailable avs in there :/

Anyone know how to fix?


Also, when I generate the html code thing for Avatars I Need, it puts retired/unavailable avs in there :/

Anyone know how to fix?


As of right now, there's no way to remove the unavailable/retired avatars from the list, so the only way is remove them by hand once you've generated the code. That's what I did.


It's not currently possible to do...

although it doesn't seem so hard to conceive as boolean logic for me...

Another item to add to our ever lengthening to-do list eh? xD


Another item to add to our ever lengthening to-do list eh? xD


Oh, I see how it is. Someone else's ideas are "Oh what a good idea!"

and my ideas are "...ugh, more work to do." :P


Actually, it's only the "Oh, what a good idea!" ideas that manage to get on our "...ugh, more work to do" list. :P

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