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I brought Jasmine home today. I'm only going to include one picture right now. If you have Facebook, you can see the rest here.




Isn't she adorable? I'll add the rest of the pictures and the captions for them later, but right now I'm pretty tired, and I don't want to do anything to disturb the sleeping kitty in my lap. :P


Alice, she was a Christmas present from my landlords. She was part of a litter of kittens their niece had. She's a Manx, and very obviously half Siamese. :P


Spritzie: Thanks :) I know she's totally awesome. Absolutely priceless, right?


Alice, she was a Christmas present from my landlords. She was part of a litter of kittens their niece had. She's a Manx, and very obviously half Siamese. :P


I just realized that it doesn't really matter where you got her. I was asking because in my head, I was saying "Oh! I want one! I wonder where I could get such a cute kitty..." and that's why I asked >_<


I'm moving out in a few months, and I want some company, so I'll probably get a kitty, but maybe not a kitten, that would be too distracting :P


hrtbrk: I know right? I picked out the name for a girl before I even saw her, but when I envisioned a kitten, I wanted a Siamese. Funny thing, I got the perfect cat for the name :P




Yeah, kittens are a lot of work. I can afford to get one because I can spend the next week at home if I want to, or I can take her with me if I really have to go somewhere. You really have to be there to love and reassure them. And if you already have a cat.... To protect them from the wrath of their elders... My Misha has not been very happy at all. Their encounters after I put her on the floor have been universally negative. Hissing, etc.


But I think it's worth it. I never have gotten to raise my own kitten before. My mother raised the kittens we had before. Now that I'm on my own, and my 11-year-old has cancer, I wanted a kitten to be able to raise on my own. She's gorgeous. Everything I wanted in a kitten. Adventurous, smart, beautiful, the whole shebang! I'm having tons of fun with her, but I also worry about Misha. I hope he'll stop being ornery and get to tolerate her (at the very least) soon. If he'd stop being mad at me, too, that would be nice ^_^


How's Jasmine doing with your other cat now?


Can we see some new pictures? :D (Come on, everyone loves kitten pictures.)


Jasmine's getting along pretty well with Misha... They're not friends yet, but they tolerate each other. :P Wish I had had the camera this morning, because they were pretty funny this morning.



Sam and Jasmine. This was about 2:30 or so this afternoon, when I went to pick up my darling kitten. She looks a lot different now than when I last saw her, three weeks ago. Sam owns Jasmine's mother, who, very ironically, doesn't look anything like her kittens. She is black and white, while three of the kittens look like Jasmine, and one is a grey tabby. Jasmine is exactly 8 weeks old today. Her birthday is December 11th.



Our next stop was Pet Planet, in Westbank. I got to show off Jasmine, and she proved very irresistible. They couldn't help giving her a really cute new toy, which she batted around a bit at home, when she had a tiny bit of energy for playing. We took pictures, of course!



More fun at Pet Planet, in Westbank. I told you she was irresistible!



Jasmine and I are home around 4:40. I showed her to Misha through the carrier, and he seemed intrigued, but not really upset. So I decided to introduce her to the house. She decided she wasn't quite ready yet, and stayed in her carrier for about ten minutes.



Using flash, you can actually see her a lot better in terms of her actual colours.



Misha investigates the opened carrier, with Jasmine inside. He didn't really like the idea that there was something small, and alive that was coming to live with us. He didn't make a big fuss though, this time. He just flattened his ears, and his tail got a little bigger, and then he ran away and ignored me for a while.



Jasmine's reaction to being sniffed by Misha.



Jasmine is starting to feel adventurous. She poked her head out, and I coaxed her out with a crinkly mouse I bought from Pet Planet before I got her.



Jasmine is exploring the bathroom. I took her to her litter box, and she seemed to think that was kind of interesting for a minute or two, and then she started to explore everywhere else. First the mat in front of the toilet, then over by the door, behind the wicker garbage can....



And then Misha came to investigate again. This time he was very unhappy, and he tried to swat her. I very swiftly told him "NO" and he hissed and determined to leave her alone for a while. Instead, he decided to watch the bathroom from a vantage point on the floor in another room.



Jasmine is a little wary after her last meeting with Misha. I don't really blame her. I would be too, if I were her size with a cat his size being the territorial "master" of the house. Misha is also 11 years old, so a kitten is not exactly what he thinks is the coolest thing in the world.



Exploring the shower. Gotta sniff everything, make sure it's been investigated. Every inch of the floor was sniffed, too.



Playing in the shower. Apparently seems like the perfect thing to do!



Gotta sniff the shower curtain too! I hope the shower curtain doesn't later become the subject of a playful shredding. I'm sure it will be just fine, though. Right now, she sleeps too much to do any damage :P



Misha and Jasmine. We meet again. This time, he didn't try to swat her, just hissed and growled, and ran into the other room.



Misha's new vantage point. But it doesn't show him anything but me.....



Because after their last encounter, Jasmine is hiding directly behind me. She seems to say "Help? This other cat is not very happy to see me... I'm just gonna stay right here... OK?"


I wasn't going to argue with her.



After falling asleep on the mat in the bathroom, and then on my lap. I woke her up to move her to a more convenient location. My Bed. Beside me. Much less uncomfortable, and kittens can sleep for a very long time!! Misha woke her up a few times coming up and meowing at me for attention, which I was more than happy to provide.... But each time he saw her, he changed his tune, and scared her before jumping off the bed and going to either the door to outside (and demanding to be let out) or the door to the closet (which happens to be mirrored) and scratching on that.



I ~was~ playing with her. But she suddenly got really tired, and so she crawled up to me, curled up, put her head on my leg, and went to sleep. I moved her a little later, so I could go play with Misha.... Funny story? He jumped up on the bed while she was napping, and he didn't even realize she was there until he woke her up by exploring and sniffing things, and then he hissed at her and went to his spot on the entertainment centre. From which he has not descended.


Sunday I tried to take a shower. She was napping. Misha was napping. I figured I had about ten minutes before either of them would wake up, so I got in the shower real quick, and figured I could relax a little bit. THREE MINUTES later, Jasmine was outside the shower curtain CRYING her little heart out. I got out much faster than I had intended to, and was rewarded with her purring like a tractor. The first time she had purred since I brought her home :)


Awwwww! She's the cutest kitten ever! I love the coloring around her nose.


I hope you other kitty starts enjoying having her around. :D


Well, he's getting better with her, which is nice. And yes, I LOVE the coloring around her nose, too. It's very neat :P I swear she is the prettiest one of the litter.


My mother held her and pet her until they dropped me off at the bus station. Which was fine. I didn't mind. She's adorable, and my mother cannot own cats because of her allergies. But spending a few minutes with Jasmine was fine, and of course I was more than happy to have my mother so pleased about her coloring, and her temperament, and all that :)


She seems like she's perfect. She's gorgeous and seems to have a really cute personality.


I got my cat, because we had my sister's for 9 months, while she was moving around, and I got attached. Her cat was a lovable, cuddly type. Mine, is the opposite. He's playful, but one of those, "You can look, but you can't touch" types. :laughingsmiley: He likes being in the room with everyone, but he lays in his own spot. If you mess with him, he gets up and leaves.


I know! Even I can't resist her. LOL. I'm so hopelessly in love with her. XD.


And I love Misha just as much as always, and he's finally realizing that, which makes it easier for me to not feel bad about him being angry about her being in the house, because he comes for cuddles when she's napping (as long as she's not napping on me..)


It doesn't help for me teaching her not to play with my arm that she purrs her little heart out while attacking me, LOL


Omygoodnesssheissofreakingadorable! *squishes* She is absolutely gorgeous! And I'm sure Misha will warm up to her after a while. It's just like when kids get a baby sibling. They're annoying until they figure out the pecking order and Mommy starts paying attention again.


I'm more scared about her not drinking than I am about her and Misha at this point. So I've started to add water to her food, and she laps that up really well, so I don't feel as worried when she does that, but still.


Misha will come and cuddle (as of this afternoon) whether she is sleeping in my lap or not. :D


I wouldn't fret too much. She's young and still adjusting to her environment. She should start drinking on her own soon.

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