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Besides TDN, what other forums are you apart of?

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Here are some other forums and I'm on often (besides The Daily Neopets):

Here is Elsewhere (as Neomysterion Prime)

Animation Revelation (as Neomysterion Prime)

JellyNeo Forums (as The Plushie Ultimatum or "Plushie" as most call me)

RetroJunk (as MagneticDestroyerX3)

Depot WareHouse (as Neomysterion)

The Retro Gamers 2 (as Neomysterion)

HAMS (as Neomysterion Prime)


Forums I post on sometimes:

ToonZone (as Hasee of Doom)

Nintendo Database Forums (as Magnetic Destroyer X3)

Hardcore Gaming 101 Forums (as Magnetic Destroyer X3)

Kirby's Rainbow Resort Forums (as Neomysterion)

Victory Road (as Shiny Magnezone)

The KaBlam Forum (as Neomysterion)

How long have you been a member of Jellyneo? What forum is the most active that you're apart of? Have you ever checked out Virtual pet list's community?

How long have you been a member of Jellyneo? What forum is the most active that you're apart of? Have you ever checked out Virtual pet list's community?


Actually, I've been a member of Jellyneo since September 23, 2010 if you wanted to know. ;)

I'm more active over there and at RetroJunk as well. Decided to close my account over there.


Actually, I've been a member of Jellyneo since September 23, 2010 if you wanted to know. ;)

I'm more active over there and at RetroJunk as well.

Ya, I did what to know. What made you become a member there?


JellyNeo and thats it. i used to be in cowbell group (dont ask) but the people quit. And EntertainmentToTheMax as DaBomb


Ya, I did what to know. What made you become a member there?


I would say the same thing for why I joined The Daily Neopets, I needed a place where I can talk about Neopets needs and such.


I would say the same thing for why I joined The Daily Neopets, I needed a place where I can talk about Neopets needs and such.

Oh, I see, have you ever thought about other forums that aren't exactly Neopets-related?


Aside from TDN the only forum-based site I frequent regularly is Gaiaonline.com.

I've been a member (and more) of Gaia for over 7 years now. :3


(Mind you if you go check it out, it's PG-13+)


Aside from TDN the only forum-based site I frequent regularly is Gaiaonline.com.

I've been a member (and more) of Gaia for over 7 years now. :3


(Mind you if you go check it out, it's PG-13+)

I never really got into Gaia, it just wasn't the community for me - are you pretty active there?


I never really got into Gaia, it just wasn't the community for me - are you pretty active there?


Very very active there, it's probably about 50% of my internet time. XP

I also worked as a mod for Gaia for over a year (I'm currently on break).


I used to go on Gaia a lot. Then I got really bored of it. I still go on once in a while, but I just can't get into it again.


I'm also on BrassGoggles, which is a Steampunk forum. Lots of really nice ladies and gentlemen there. Usually a much older crowd there, though. At only twenty years old, I've been called a 'young whippersnapper' there quite a few times. :laughingsmiley:


Very very active there, it's probably about 50% of my internet time. XP

I also worked as a mod for Gaia for over a year (I'm currently on break).

Oh, I see. What was the experience like working for Gaia? Did you have a lot of spam problems?


I used to go on Gaia a lot. Then I got really bored of it. I still go on once in a while, but I just can't get into it again.


I'm also on BrassGoggles, which is a Steampunk forum. Lots of really nice ladies and gentlemen there. Usually a much older crowd there, though. At only twenty years old, I've been called a 'young whippersnapper' there quite a few times. :laughingsmiley:


The use of 'young whippersnapper' made me giggle. ^_^ I'm not on any forums other than TDN. I figure that I waste enough time online as it is and really if I were to join others I can't imagine myself being very active on them.


The use of 'young whippersnapper' made me giggle. ^_^ I'm not on any forums other than TDN. I figure that I waste enough time online as it is and really if I were to join others I can't imagine myself being very active on them.

Oh, why is that though? Why are you so busy for time? Do you find yourself being busy with school or?


Oh, why is that though? Why are you so busy for time? Do you find yourself being busy with school or?


There's more to life than a fun little virtual world to play around in. It's not that I'm uber busy, there are just a lot of other things that I could be doing. I'd rather invest in my family and friends than a virtual pet or online communities. I'll probably disappear from this forum every so often simply because there are other things in my life that are more important at the time.

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