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Okay, so I've finished this game MANY times on the hard level. FINALLY I figured out that I needed to use all my lives to get extra points, so I would collect 22 of the 23 items then intentionally die to get extra points using up all my lives but one. Then finish the game with my last life. I collect all the 2x and 3x offered and still my highest score is 1,444,011.


My question is ~ How the heck are people getting high scores of 5 million ?????


What is it that I don't know to be doing??


Any help appreciated as I am trying to get the trophy. And yes, I will be trying at the first of the month, but still if people are getting 5 million, I don't stand a chance.


Thanks !!!


I really have no idea how people are getting 5 mil as a score, 2 mil I understand but 5? Really? Sketchy <_< also, if you die on a level, you do not get those points that you earned, you only get the points if you finish a level so I'm going to have to guess that they just got a lot of bonus multipliers?


I got the two items but never got anywhere past that so I have no idea.

But I've wondered that about other games, where I can finish the game but never get anywhere near the highest high scores :/


I was watching my score and I would have swore I was keeping the points when I died ... hmmm ... maybe not. If not then I definitely do not see how they are getting such high scores. I was getting all the time bonus on each round as well ..... gotta be something fishy going on here :rolleyes_anim:


Your score does go up when you are in the round before you die but it takes it back to your previous amount if you don't finish the level. I mean, I guess it may work differently for the higher round since I've never made it to the very end but I know for a fact that you don't keep those points at the lower levels if you don't finish. I do agree with you there that I think something fishy is going on there.


I got the trophy when the game first came out. I had a score of about 1200000 and every other person on the list had about the same score. I really have no clue how people have 5 million+ scores.


i was wondering that too, but with a different game. with kass basher all of a sudden highest high scores jumped from 1800 to 2300. when it had been 1800 for months and months. sketchy business right there.


Just played again and I DID keep my score when I intentionally died, I do it in the higher levels so I can get as high as possible before dying, but it definitely DOES keep the score. I did manage to increase my score a LITTLE ... but not too awful much.


I can see where people are getting to 2 million, I don't seem to get very many 2x or 3x offered, so if you get alot of those I could see it increasing to 2 mil, but to 5 mil ...... no way ... gotta be something else going on!!!


Hopefully I can get it at the first of the month ... at least a bronze trophy if nothing else ..... wish me luck ♥


I'm highly interested to learn more about the scoring system of that game... if anyone wants to share their ideas about it :)


Ok, I broke down and wrote to some of the high scorers and asked them how to get a trophy. And this is what they said.


They said to stay alive in the lower levels and collect extra lives. Don't worry about picking up the prizes quickly, just keep circling and collecting lives until you have tons of extra lives. Then collect the prizes and move on to the higher levels where you collect 22/23 prizes then intentionally die (because you DO keep the points). Keep repeating that process.


So apparently I had the right idea, I just didn't stay and collect enough extra lives.


I'm gonna give that a try when I get enough extra time, just thought I'd share what I learned.


If anyone tries it, let me know how it works for you.




New info


What I have learned so far


Each item is worth a different amount of points


You earn the most points on levels one and two


I have NOT seen any difference whatsoever by picking up the 2x or 3x, I THOUGHT they worked by multiplying any item that you picked up while it was active, by either 2 or 3 times ... However, I have finished level 1 with getting absolutely NO multipliers, and had a score of 161,692. Then finished the same level getting several items with the multiplier active, and finished with the exact same score .... so if anyone knows how those things work, please share :)


So at this time, this is how I think a person would need to play this game to get a high score


You need to stay on the lower levels to not only collect more lives, but also you need to continue to repeat THOSE levels (levels 1 and 2) because that is where the most points are earned, even though there are more prizes to collect on the higher levels, for some reason you earn more points on the lower levels.


Collect all items but one, and try to leave one of the lower value items ( I am currently working on item values, I have started a list here~ http://www.neopets.com/~PiNKPAWS0X ~ PLEASE MAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY INFO I CAN ADD TO IT ).


Anyone with any additional tips, feel free to add them here, and if anyone knows the point value of any of the items I don't have yet, please mail me.






When I played I got stuck in a cycle of getting the -4 items negative power up (it kept coming at me from the opposite direction when I couldn't turn) and I'd continue to get points as I kept picking up the items I lost. So maybe you, in theory, could drop and re-pick up all the items until you get a high score as you progress through the game (As long as it's not the last item since it auto ends the level when you get 20/20)? I could be wrong since this is just something I noticed as I was playing (and beating) AAA's score.


also, if you die on a level, you do not get those points that you earned

Actually, you do now. I figured that out just yesterday. It used to be different, but these days you do keep your score when you die.


Actually, you do now. I figured that out just yesterday. It used to be different, but these days you do keep your score when you die.

Oh good, I'm not going crazy. Everyone else was saying you keep the points and I was so sure that I didn't the last time because I really wasn't paying attention and died with 19 items on level one and it definately said game over, total score 0. I haven't played in a week or so, so I guess that's when they changed it. I was starting to think I was either crazy or really unlucky with a ghetto scoring system for only me :rolleyes_anim: That is a nice new feature to the game though, I must admit.


If you hit the -4 or -5, you LOSE the points for the items dropped, so dropping them and picking them back up will NOT increase your score. At least that's how it is for me. Anyone else ??


Well, first of the month and I managed to get a little over 2 million, I sure do hope that gets ma a trophy! Keeping my fingers crossed.


I see now how people are getting those scores. Keep repeating the lower levels as many times as possible, just keep circling waiting for another life.

Certainly is time consuming but that is how it is done.


Levels 1 and 2 are the best to repeat because they earn the most points. Seems a little odd to me, but that's how it is ... at the moment anyway :)


So now I am wondering ... I played earlier today and got 1.3 million, and still haven't got the mail saying the score was approved ... so when is the score applied. Is it after it is approved, or when it was submitted?


because if I have to wait for the 2 mil to be approved, then it probably won't count until tomorrows .... and I know the more people play, the less chance I have.


Oh well ....... keeping fingers crossed


You'll have to wait until the score is approved before you get awarded a trophy. I'm not sure if trophies are retroactively awarded if your score was in place for one before it was approved though. Good luck! :)

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