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id_24's Look-ups

Izzy ♥

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Oh my gosh! Your lookups are totally awesome! I would love one.



Theme- Neopets leafs

Images- (Use these ones and randomly place them on the lookup)








Text- Hannah's Userlookup

Colors- Green



I hope ot's not to hard. Oh and thanks so much!

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prioryofsion128 - How's this?




(Code here: http://www.neopets.com/~iz9piper#data)










Guild layout code for hehehe_mewashere:

#ban, #object, #bottomban, #nst,{display:none}
body {background-image:url(http://img447.imageshack.us/img447/8712/hpbkjv6.png)}
</style><style>TD,P,BODY{color: black; font-family: verdana; font-size:10px;}</style>
<style>a{font-family: verdana; font-size:10px;}</style>
a:link {color: #708090;} 
a:hover {color: #2F4F4F;}
a:visited {color: #708090;}
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://img447.imageshack.us/img447/3897/gilmoregx3.png" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:30">
<div style="position:absolute;top:352;left:386;width:365"><center><b>
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Theme- Pirates of the Carribbean 2

Images- These are only IDEAS. Use them as you wish, but you don't have to include them if you find better ones. :P









Text- "Mikey's Lookup" and include this somewhere else (less significantly), "It's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow!"

Colors- Whatever matches and looks good. I trust you. :)

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Hannah -




</style><style>TD,P,BODY{color: #228B22; font-family: verdana; font-size:11px;}</style>
a:link {color: #B8860B;} 
a:hover {color: #EEDD82;}
a:visited {color: #B8860B;}
</style><style type=text/css>i.topbanner{background:url(http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h63/id_24/LEAVEShbanner.png);height:102;width:510;position:absolute;top:47;left:200;}</style><i class=topbanner> </i> </i> <img id=mymenu src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h63/id_24/LEAVESsidebar.png" usemap="#a" border=0><style>#mymenu{position:absolute;left:1;top:0}</style><style>table{background:none}#m,#n,#mb,#ol{display:none}</style><div style="position:absolute;overflow:auto;left:130px;top:0px"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h63/id_24/LEAVEStopbar.png"></div><style>
center font b{display:none}
</style><style>p table{width:598;border:3px double #228B22;background:white;filter:alpha(opacity=80)}</style>
<br><font face="tahoma">



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Hey Isabel I have a question...where did you learn how to code and make userlookups and stuff like that?

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I taught myself... well, mostly. I have books and stuff that I look stuff up in if I don't know how to do something.


I'm writing an HTML guide actually. Its here if you're interested: http://www.neopets.com/~amarni_9 (The other sections will be up soon - I'm having trouble finding the time to write them what with all the lookup requests).

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Sure, Myriad, what's your guild about?


Mikey - I'll do yours soon, I came on to do it this afternoon and my DSL modem decided that that was an excellent time to stop working... But its back up now so, I'll work on it :P

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Om my gosh! I love it so much!Thanks! You are an excellent graphic maker. I might even be coming back for a guild layout if I can't find one soon.

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Isabel, how do you keep the


Welcome (username), Pet: (pet name), NP: (number)


on the top right?


Is that also applicable to my D.F. lookup?

Sure, just put this at the beginning of the D.F code:




You can move it around by changing the numbers after "top" and "left".

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Sure, just put this at the beginning of the D.F code:




You can move it around by changing the numbers after "top" and "left".


Thanks. Let me try this out now. You're really fantastic.

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Mikey - Finally got yours done! Hope you like it.




table, td{background:none}
.hdr{display: none;}
</style><style>TD,P,BODY{color: black; font-family: verdana; font-size:12px;}</style><style>
a:link {color: #BDB76B;} 
a:hover {color: #6B8E23;}
a:visited {color: #BDB76B;}
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9845/piratesmtoppicwo2.png" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;"><style>
<div class="neoinfo" align="center">
<table><tr><td colspan=2>
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<br><font face="tahoma">






Myriad - Will do your guild layout tomorrow (well, thats the plan anyway).

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oo that rocks. great job. ^_^ almost want to ask one for myself but ive yet to decide what i want for one(hence why i havnt even tryed a lookup myself)

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Wow, seeing Mikey's and everyone elses I know it's going to be great! Do you want me to get some pictures? I know some great pictures of dancers and stuff. :)

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Can I have one?




Theme- Yoshi

Images- Just yoshi pics of of Google images etc...(If you need specific urls, just tell me :P)


Text-Yoshi (bigger text), lore_lanu's lookup (smaller text)


Colors- Green, white (colors of the yoshi)



heheh! Thanks!

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