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Sup, TDN?


I'm Zaokii. I also go by Cue, Raz, Tuesday, Panic, Sillybun, Toaster, etc. If you can think of a word you don't often use, I've probably referred to myself as it . I've been playing neopets since I was just a small sprite, but due to a few small complications, I've needed to make a new account. (These small complications include getting iced for something I did not do and after more than 120 months, have still not received a response to my email.. and also forgetting the password to another account when the email I used to sign up with was deactivated, etc.) So as of right now, I'm stuck on a lame 7 month account.


I had originally been on a hiatus directly after making the account, but I have come back. I'm not very motivated to do anything except chat. I'm not in a guild, I have like.. two friends, and I don't intend to be a billionaire or anything. Average player, I suppose.


I speak English and Japanese. I'm also still recovering from jet lag. I should be sleeping right now -_- I'm obsessed with cats. I wear a tail and a collar (the tail is a fox tail, and all of my collars are custom). I'm addicted to caffeine, I own a Palm Pre, and I play many games including, but not limited to, Audition (AAU, EAU, and SEA), Counter-Strike, gMod, and osu!. I collect a lot of pictures that I'll never use, so if you need an amazing wallpaper, I probably have one just for you. Cats.


I like anime. I do not watch Bleach or Naruto or anything, so don't ask. I like yuri, mostly, perhaps some comedy or romance, NEVER slice-of-life. You would not believe how annoying K-On! got after the second episode. I like to make fun of bad anime, like Onegai Teacher and.. well, Naruto and Bleach. Just terrible.


I eat nearly all day, but my metabolism is a magical thing. At the moment I'm eating carrot sticks. I listen to trance, house, electro, and dubstep.


That's pretty much all there is to me. Have a nice day.



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My name's Neomysterion, and I like to stop by The Daily Neopets time to time.

Nice to see you here as well as the next guy, Zaokii. :)

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Hullo Zao, and welcome to TDNF! *offers hand* There's a snack table to your left. Let your wonderful metabolism have a heyday. ;)


^ The tamed-down version of my original opening statement, which was something along the lines of "Omygoodness, no way! I wear cat ears all the time! *high-paws* You are hereby awesome. Mew. "

Really though, I do. And my friend has let me borrow a tail that matches my ears. :D

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Thanks for the warm welcome!


shyplague - I'm not too worried about it at this point, it was so long ago that I don't remember the password to that account anyways. Yeah, eating all the time is pretty great.


Neomysterion - Ahh, I see! I love your avatar, by the way.


livvy - -shakes hand- Woo, snacks! I'm jelly of your ears. I have a problem wearing things on my head. ;; I get paranoid that it'll fall off or be lopsided or something.









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Welcome to TDN. :) I'm Spritzie.


I love cats as well. :D I have 2. (Kind of. The 2nd one is my sister's cat, but I'm extremely attached as my family had him for 9 months.) I used to have kitty ears, but I had them for a talent show when I was little, when a bunch of us did a Jungle Book thing, and a bunch of the girls dressed up as jungle cats. (I was a leopard.)

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