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Livvy's in the Times!


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Some of you may remember the series Occupational Hazard from a few weeks back. Well, now Livvy's managed to get into the Neopian Times with a prequel to that series, entitled Flashpoint, a miraculous feat considering the mediocre co-writer she was stuck with. But anyway, if you're looking for a decent dose of fast-paced, adrenaline-packed action, you should go ahead and read it! :yes:


Edit: And here's the second part! :D

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I just took the time to read it right now. xD;; (can be a fast reader) All I can say is: when can I expect the next part and I think I might spend tommorrow reading the the first part of the series. I wish I had the time (and the patience) for writing-writing. But alas, it's been YEARS since I touched the keyboard in the area of literature, let alone role-play. Sometimes I wonder if I ever should get back into it.

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I just took the time to read it right now. xD;; (can be a fast reader) All I can say is: when can I expect the next part and I think I might spend tommorrow reading the the first part of the series.

Thanks a bunch for reading. :) The Times is published every week, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit for the second half of the story (yes, it's a two-part series instead of a short story, because Livvy's co-writer refused to let her cut it down properly).

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