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What was the worst thing in 2010 for you?

Guest Yoshinho

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Well gee, other than not being employed two years in a row I ain't got much to complain about XD

I've actually been doing better emotionally recently, I climbed back out of depression for the first time since I was ten....stopped being suicidal for the first time since I was twelve and stopped cutting...both my arm and my hair O.o arm was depression, hair was anxiety. So a lot's actually been going better for me this year then past ones...

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My grandpa died, then my grandma (whom I'd been living with) fell ill and had to be hospitalized. Then I was hospitalized for depression and missed 2 weeks of school because they wouldn't let me out of the hospital. Then I got kicked out by my grandma. Now I'm moving out with my best friend so all is awesome :)!

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I don't really have all that much to complain about really, 2010 was pretty nice to me. Other than a few emotional cracks and a couple of issues that are personal, I'm happy with how 2010 went for me. =3

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Ok, so, let's see.


January 2010:


Nothing else to complain about.


February 2010:


Still nothing else to complain about.


March 2010:

Still Jobless.

Starting to see a career counselor.

Nothing to complain about.


April 2010:

Jobless Still.

Anxiety from being jobless beginning.

Birthday on the 24th. No one comes to the party. Sucks.


May 2010:

Still jobless.

Anxiety gradually building.

Frustrated with slow pace.


June 2010:

Summer is here.

Still Jobless.

Fire in local area causes me to flee my house (fires 2009 forced evac of thousands).

Anxious about fire hazards, anxiety about job remains the same as May.


July 2010:

Have papered my entire town at least once.

Still jobless. Very frustrated.

Get job interview at friend's workplace.

Workplace tells me "Sorry, we want someone with experience."

I rage about catch-22. No experience, no job. No job, no experience.

No other calls back.


August 2010:

Still jobless.

Anxiety is commonplace.

Sitting by the pool one day, minding my own business, get stung by a wasp.

I am allergic.

Spent the next three days in a lot of pain.

The building attached to my career counselor's office burns down.

They relocate to a much less convenient location.


September 2010:

Career counselor is back in their original office.

Doesn't matter. I still don't have a job.

I am tired of job hunting. Job hunting is a full time job. I feel I should be paid for it.

The anxiety is wearing me out.



I am still jobless.

I go to the theatre one night, and as I am walking out of the theatre my kneecap dislocates.

First time in 5 and a half years.

I become depressed. This setback is very upsetting.

I complete my foodsafe, serving it right, whmis, and first aid courses. The first aid course I complete just one week after my kneecap has dislocated. It is painful, but I am a trooper.

My knee begins to cause serious problems for me. It spasms, it locks up, it it generally very painful. I start to take more pain meds.

My career counselor gets sick.

I notice my cat is acting strangely, but allow myself to believe what everyone else says is normal.



I cease looking for jobs entirely.

My knee shows no sign of healing properly yet. I am also very stressed out by both knee, and lack of job.

I am concerned about my cat. He's still acting very strangely. I allow myself to brush it off, because my mother, and my landlady, tell me that what he is doing is normal... even though I know in the back of my mind that it's not.

I start going for tea every morning with a new friend.

A cold snap really brings pain to my knees. I start staying indoors more often.



I am still going for tea every morning.

My cat has stopped eating (Dec 13/14th). I do not really notice until I go to refill his feeder.... There is almost nothing gone from it. I am now VERY concerned. I pawn my most precious items, and take my cat to the vet (Dec 16th). I find out that my cat has cancer. My world collapses on itself. The depression over my knees seems like nothing compared to the depression I fall into. The next three weeks are hell, with only one momentary bright spot... The revelation of the kitten. But then I remember why I am getting said kitten, and the world shifts again.

Three days after I find out my cat has cancer, my fish shows the symptoms of ick. He does not respond to treatment. I have had him for over three years. I am very upset that I am losing both my pets at the same time.


Also, somewhere in this year my grandmother was hospitalized, two or more times, my uncle was hospitalized for atrial fibrulation and congenital heart failure, and my mother informed me that I should probably prepare for my grandmother to die some time this winter.


Now, in terms of 2011.

My cat has gotten remarkably better. This is a good thing.

My kitten is adorable and cute.

I have a possible job at a massage therapist's office as a secretary, if they can afford to pay me.

My fish is still dying, but still hanging on. He is a beta. Siamese Fighting Fish. He is three years three months old now. Pretty old for a fish.


Hopefully, this is a sign of a better year to come. I wish you all the best in the year to come. Hopefully we will all have less to complain about next year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

2010 was a roller coaster for me:

First, In January (When vacations start in Chile) My 10 years old, only sister got hospitalized with a Pneumonia and pleural effusion, which had her with vital risk for a week. Ten days later, I got the same, but worst. My doctor said that if I hadn't developed a better inmune system than my sister, I'd be... in heaven right now. :worried: So, no vacations at all.

Then, in March, my mom fell from my school's stairs, and (Literally) broke a foot. She couldn't walk without support for two months.

After that, In May, Very ironically, we were going to return the crutches that my mom was using, and we had a (Very ugly) car accident. A truck didn't stop at the red light and hit us on my mom's side, the car had total damage. In the hospital, the doctor said that my mom could be dead, and that we were very lucky.

In August and september, my two loved cats, Sandy and Bicolora, were poisoned by my neighbors, and died.

In October, my sis was diagnosed severe sinusitis, and given permanent medicaton.

In december, she was diagnosed with severe asthma, and given an expensive, permanent medication that isn't sold in Chile.


Most people would say that it was an awful year, but I consider myself blessed, because all this experiences made me and my family stonger and more united than ever, and I'm grateful for that. ^_^

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Yeah, I know, but it seems that 2011 is going to be a good year: After writing my last post, my mom told me that her friend Carmen is travelling to Argentina next week, so she's going to buy the medicine there and bring it here. :laughingsmiley:

I've also lost in every game that i've played, so it's a good sign... Here in Chile we say: Bad luck in games, good luck in love :P

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The worst thing ever happened to me?


I flunked three subjects at one semester(which was awful since all of it were science ones)

My cell was stolen during new term when I was sleeping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hard drive died and killed 2 months worth of code on a website I was planning to make. I fail for not making a decent backup (I made one, but it didn't work, and I should have tested...)

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It seems like there have been a lot more downs than ups this year for people, so I am going to start with something positive. :) I graduated from college and also married the love of my life! However this meant moving away from friends and family just months before we found out my mom had cancer. Depression has been creeping back in and job hunting has been very difficult. My husband has been an amazing support though and we are slowly getting to know people in our church. I'm looking forward to what 2011 has to bring.

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