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Neopies Returning & New Morphing Potions!


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The annual Neopies are back! Starting on the 11th of this month you can vote on your favourite Neopian items, events, and more! You can vote every day to get a prize. You'll even get a special prize if you vote without missing a day, so don't forget!!





Transparent Skeith | Woodland Draik

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Wow. I can't believe it's time for them again. It feels like we just did these. But I'm glad! I enjoyed last years. Now to put a reminder on my cell phone, like I did with the Advent Calendar.


The MPs are awesome. Both look very cool. The Skeith one looks like the spine is in the jar. o_O And the Draik one looks like an old wooden jar.

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i love the new draik mp! :) personally i still want a maraquan and faerie ones but the woodland isnt too bad


Didn't they release a Faerie Draik MP on draik day? o_O

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Times infinity.


DUDE, are they seriously giving those out to people who vote every day?! Does everyone get one of those for voting daily?! *squeeeee* You can sell those for a kinda hefty amount, right? How much are they going for? or will they be worth much if they're new? Eee! Where can i find details?


I'm earning NP for a draik, so if I could manage to get a large amount... *daydreams excitedly* Or would the value have to increase over a little while first?



*bows at feet* Thank youu! I totally spaced on that. My phone is totally on the fritz, it better not shut off on me at least for a few weeks... See? Dang Verizon... *needs smartphone*


Anyway. *continues being excited and flailing around*

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DUDE, are they seriously giving those out to people who vote every day?! Does everyone get one of those for voting daily?! *squeeeee* You can sell those for a kinda hefty amount, right? How much are they going for? or will they be worth much if they're new? Eee! Where can i find details?


The MPs aren't prizes. They were released today, along with the news of the Neopies starting soon.

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Dang itt...

I got all excited :arrowhead:


I really need to find a good guide on where to get really rare items as prizes for whatever games. I'm gonna need a boost to this 13mil earning >.<

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I like the Neopies, we recived a 100 dubloon coin last year here right????

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Guest Squishycloud

wow. this site is great, i never known about this voting thing all these years.. LOL btw. transparent. COOLEST COLOR EVER!! Love the morphing potions

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How long do the Neopies last for?

I've never heard of them, to be honest.

Also, yay! Items for voting!

The advent items helped boost my SDB for the avatar :P

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How long do the Neopies last for?

I've never heard of them, to be honest.

Also, yay! Items for voting!

The advent items helped boost my SDB for the avatar :P


Last year's was from 1/12-1/28, a little more than two weeks.

The AC impeded my efforts of clearing out my SDB, still have ~1000 items in it :D.

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