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Food Club Betting


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Right now I'm using Jamila's guide to bet.. But I feel bad when I'm betting and there are only like 3 pirates in that bet when there could be five. Should I just follow her bets for now, or work out what pirate has the best chances to fill up the open spaces in those bets?


Any tips? D:

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I'd advise against it. She plans out her bets so they're synergistic with each other. Generally, if she's choosing not to include an arena, it's because the odds are bad. :/ And adding more pirates to a bet, doesn't make it safer, it makes it more risky lol :P


I posted this in the Draik Lair thread, and my advise remains the same.


If you want to make your own bets, then go ahead and try it. But Jamila's bets are made that way for a reason; to minimize losses if unexpected pirates win, and to maximize gains with as little risk as possible. Changing that around is just...not a good idea. Unless you're a. really lucky or b. are REALLY experienced in food club and know exactly what you're doing.


I prefer to leave her bets as they are, and just note down what I would've done differently. That way, I get a little better without sacrificing profit :)

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I posted this in the Draik Lair thread, and my advise remains the same.


If you want to make your own bets, then go ahead and try it. But Jamila's bets are made that way for a reason; to minimize losses if unexpected pirates win, and to maximize gains with as little risk as possible. Changing that around is just...not a good idea. Unless you're a. really lucky or b. are REALLY experienced in food club and know exactly what you're doing.


I prefer to leave her bets as they are, and just note down what I would've done differently. That way, I get a little better without sacrificing profit :)


Good idea, thanks Manta! I hadn't thought of it that way. ^.^

Now to go dig up my notebook from my desk! :ohno:

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No problem! :D I'm hoping a big win pulls through for all of us today. :) She made some risky but fun bets today, so I'm rather excited lol :P

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I've been looking to begin betting at the Food Club, and I want to start by copying somebody else's bets to get experience before I risk making my own. How is it possible to tell which players are the best or most reliable?


I go by the bets on this page:


She tells you when the day is really awful, and not to bet and such. On her bets, I've made a profit of 589428 nps :D and that's just over the past two months or so :)


If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

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Also, besides Jamila's foodclub betting page, are there any other really good ones? I know Shazeni looks reliable...


I just don't know if I want to use Jamila's guide today because she admits she was in a hurry when she made them. :guiltysmiley:

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there is a pretty basic strategy that i use which usually tends to net me a decent share of np. i believe i posted a guide a while back on this site--i will try to find it if anyone is interested.


Edit: also, there is this guide: http://www.neopets.com/~windagame

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Thanks for the guide, I never would have tried Food Club on my own, and I doubled my money today! Of course, I didn't bet much, still testing the waters, but it's on my daily list now.


which guide are you referring to? the "follow the leader" bets or the "do it yourself" bets?

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Question: If I make three separate bets with one arena each are the odds counted together or separately? This is in contrast to making a single bet with three arenas where the odds are counted together.

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I've been using Jamila's guide for 3 days now and didn't win a thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's strange. Jamila's bets have won twice in the last three days.

Could you tell us what you did, or happen to have screenshotted your bets?

Even then, the games a gamble. People lose. Weird pirates win. You have to be able to take the losses with the wins, or you shouldn't be betting.


Question: If I make three separate bets with one arena each are the odds counted together or separately? This is in contrast to making a single bet with three arenas where the odds are counted together.


If you make a bet, and then make another bet, those are completely different bets...They will have completely separate odds based on what pirates you put in them.


We bet for Food Club using the latter strategy. Ten bets with between 1-5 arena winners selected. The more arenas we include, the higher the risk (generally, unless you're going all 2:1s) and the higher the possible payout.


It's just all probability.

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I bet on 3 or 4 of the lots she suggested every day (the ones with like 32:1 or 64:1 or something) ... then I go to the Winnings page and I have none ...


I honestly have no idea what I'm doing ...

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I bet on 3 or 4 of the lots she suggested every day (the ones with like 32:1 or 64:1 or something) ... then I go to the Winnings page and I have none ...


I honestly have no idea what I'm doing ...


Lol well that's why! :D See, Jamila makes her ten bets to work together. If 9 of the bets lose, that 10th one still stands to make you some money. It's all about the synergy. You need to do all 10 bets or it won't work. There are some days when she'll say, you can replace this bet with something else, but that's if you actually know what you're doing lol. I didn't bother to actually learn the game, so I just follow her bets word for word. And as I said on another board, my overall profit for the past month of constant betting has been over 600k. But that means I've had total loss days in there as well. So yeah.

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oh ok thanks :)


well yesterday I made 3 bets and one of them won (26k) :D


today both Jamila and Shazeni are saying bet on Peg Leg Percival in Shipwreck but when I click on it ... there's no Percival to choose ??? :sad01_anim:


the petpages are saying "round 4282" but my betting page says round 4283 . is it because I collected my winnings ??

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oh ok thanks :)


well yesterday I made 3 bets and one of them won (26k) :D


today both Jamila and Shazeni are saying bet on Peg Leg Percival in Shipwreck but when I click on it ... there's no Percival to choose ??? :sad01_anim:


the petpages are saying "round 4282" but my betting page says round 4283 . is it because I collected my winnings ??


no, that would be because they haven't updated their bets yet. and yes, you should be betting all 10 bets. anything less will guarantee losing in the long run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see , thanks a lot for your help !!


2 days ago , she said the bets r VERY risky , so I didn't bet .. and she won BIG-BIG !!


the day before yesterday , she said they're poor ... so I didn't bet .. and she won 3x


yesterday , she said medium .. i bet .. and I LOST everything !!!


.......... I just bet for today , let's see how this one turns out .. I'm betting 15k a day !!! ... I only won twice so far, once 24k and the other about 60k . I'm still losing miserably in this game :angry: <_<

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