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Just went to the Healing Springs and the Water Faerie is back and so is Faeriland - a NEW and improved Faerieland :O


And Chapter 17 is out


Just went to the Healing Springs and the Water Faerie is back and so is Faeriland - a NEW and improved Faerieland :O


And Chapter 17 is out


Woohoo, I got two essences of everlasting apples from the healing faerie! But...I needed her to heal Jetalle xD


Oh well, thanks for the heads-up! :D Also, not gonna lie, I REALLY like the new graphics :D


Woohoo, I got two essences of everlasting apples from the healing faerie! But...I needed her to heal Jetalle xD


Oh well, thanks for the heads-up! :D Also, not gonna lie, I REALLY like the new graphics :D


I think the 2-item thing going on at the healing springs is a glitch, I got two of the same snowball but only had one in my inventory.


It is indeed a glitch from the looks of it. lol two pictures, one actual potion.


I'm off to destroy TNT. Who wants to join me?


I'll come with simply because the ending of the story was super-lame. I'm pleased Faerieland is back though, so I'll probably have to carry a different placard to you.


Humm... Have doubts with the topic name XD


Wonder if the Faeries will like it there lying on the ground instead of being at 10,000 feet on a pink-everywhere cloud


...So... the plot actually ended? THAT was the great ending? Good God, I knew it was predictable and bound to be a happy ending, but... this is RIDICULOUS! They couldn't possibly make it any lamer and more deadpan than that, what on earth's up with TNT?! (and I was hoping for one last interactive step)


This is beyond disappointment. *sigh*

So what's your opinion, will Faerieland remain on the ground or get back up on its pink fluffy cloud?


Lame ending is lame.


i do like the new look though. Screw their pink fluffy clouds, they can be among the common folk now.


Faerieland is down, silly!


But I'm honestly very glad it's functioning again. Healing my pets with actual cures was expensive!


I agree with everyone saying the ending was lame and the graphics are good. I think it's funny that the fountain faerie and healing springs faerie (I know these two have names, but danged if I can be bothered to find them) still look to be in clouds when you visit them, but Jhudora's made the full transition. Also, if you look on the "Explore" page, the icon for Faerie land is still a castle on a cloud, though the globe has changed. Ah well, TNT'll get around to it...eventually.


I'm so happy it's back. And I think it's awesome that TNT changed Faerieland to fit in with the plot. Not "Look, Faerieland is magically back in the sky." Now the Faeries are more... grounded. :whistle:


I do like the graphics a lot more as well, lovely lush green instead of OMG-lots-and-lots-pink-and-purple is a very nice change, I just hope it stays that way... For one, the faeries seem to be rebuilding their city, and there's a big empty space right in the centre of the Neopian globe on the 'explore' page, I'm not sure TNT plans on keeping things that way. But it would be nice if they did.


On a second note, yes, puzzles can be completed by those who haven't done so yet, but that doesn't include fighting the Shadow thingies in the BD nor the core stabilization (that 'working in teams' thing), right?


The healing faerie has only given out healing potions to me. Is that for everyone? Or am I just that unlucky? <_<


The healing faerie has only given out healing potions to me. Is that for everyone? Or am I just that unlucky? <_<


It seems it's everyone. I've seen a lot of people that have been getting only potions, including me.


I, too, am only getting potions from the faerie. Perhaps she needs to warm up from being turned all to stone?


Same here...I'm mostly getting potions, except for the occasional snowball thrown in here and there. *sigh* My dear pet has Sneezles and I'm tired of buying Magic Cookies.


It seems it's everyone. I've seen a lot of people that have been getting only potions, including me.


ARGH! How horrible! I hope they haven't made it so she won't heal illness anymore. =( I know I've only been getting potions and snowballs...


ARGH! How horrible! I hope they haven't made it so she won't heal illness anymore. =( I know I've only been getting potions and snowballs...

I think they've fixed it now, people were saying it was a glitch from before, when the faerie is gone. I managed to get all my pets fully healed, which was good as i was about ready to actually fork over the np and buy a cure.


I'll come with simply because the ending of the story was super-lame. I'm pleased Faerieland is back though, so I'll probably have to carry a different placard to you.


I hate FL with a burning passion, but it's NOTHING compared to how predictable, boring, and cliche this plot was, especially its ending. It's unacceptable, and I haven't been on Neo since. It was that aggreviating to the point that I want nothing to do with Neo.

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