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Started a singing channel


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*pokes all of TDN*


I started a new channel on Youtube, which is meant purely for singing. I will be doing random songs, disney songs, land before time songs. You name it. A chance for me to show off and for you guys to hear my voice :) I can't upload more than 2 vids in a post, so there you go. You'll just have to visit my channel ^^

I started of with the song 'Hallelujah', which I just had to try after I heard my aunt, mom and cousin sing it. Feel free to listen to it (don't forget to thumb up & subscribe if you like! :D) :




The second song I uploaded to this channel was one I really like myself. I failed a bit at the beginning of the song, but the rest is decent to listen to :P




I would love to sing some more during the holidays. I will take requests too (limited) :)


Requests so far:


1. FF VII - Eyes on Me

2. One Republic - Mercy

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If you manage to find an instrumental, let me know :)


Haha, I don't know how well my voice is at operas, but I'll try my best right, ;)?


*excited* It may take some practice. haha! Always remember that when you ask people to make requests, there are devilish people like me out there :P

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*excited* It may take some practice. haha! Always remember that when you ask people to make requests, there are devilish people like me out there :P

I know! But I'm up for a challenge, really :P

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That's neat, Viridian! I should do that so I don't bore the poor watchers of HeyTDN. Unless... you wouldn't mind another voice on your channel? Here's an example:


(Skip to 3:30 unless you want to watch me bumble through an introduction and talk about cats. Oh, and please look at something other than me. I look like an idiot through the entire thing.)

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Wow Viridian, you actually have a lovely voice. Nice job on the music videos, keep up the good work! 0:)

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Oooh I so loved Angels! Haven't heard that song in forever and a half!


If I may make a request as well, I would love to hear you sing 'Eyes on Me' from Final Fantasy VIII :laughingsmiley: I adore that song and game so it would be nice to see someone else sing it ^_^


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ahhh I love Angels!!! Good job!! :D


This thread reminds me that I have a few parodies to record...xD


May I ask what you used for recording equipment? like microphone, program, etc. :D

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Thanks for the compliments and the requests, both of you. I'll put them on my list :D


ahhh I love Angels!!! Good job!! :D


This thread reminds me that I have a few parodies to record...xD


May I ask what you used for recording equipment? like microphone, program, etc. :D

I use a youtube downloader program (there are tons out there) to download an mp3 version of the music.

Then I use Goldwave (free program) to record my voice.

The microphone I use is built into my webcam (Logitech, about 3 or 4 years old)

If there is something I *have* to edit out, I take multiquence.

Then I put everything together in Sony Vegas, and render it :)

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I started of with the song 'Hallelujah', which I just had to try after I heard my aunt, mom and cousin sing it. Feel free to listen to it (don't forget to thumb up & subscribe if you like!


When I read this I thought you were going to sing Hallelujah by Mendelson, lol.


You sing very well :)


Good luck singing Carmen, it can be one of the more challenging operas if you're not a trained mezzo soprano or soprano.


Here is a video of Birgit Nilsson--one of the greatest Wagnerian Sopranos--that you might find helpful and humorous.




Oh, incase you where/are a Hey Arnold Fan this is funny and might be easier to memorize :P




P.s. Livvy you video was very cute and I had to stop myself from singing along ^_^

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You're pretty talented ^.^


Not to come off as mean, seeing as I'm a newb and first impressions are in the making, but as far as constructive criticism goes, all I really have to say is that you'd struggle less with the high notes if you breathed more from your diaphragm and you'd sound a little stronger, which is important because we can't see confidence from your face, so as a viewer we need all of it from the singing. I struggle with the same thing. I'm an alto/mezzo, but I sing first soprano at my school, regardless of the fact that I can hardly sing high notes to save my life.


Sorry, I go to an arts high school for musical theatre, I've become used to critiques :3 I couldn't help myself, but hopefully I've proved myself useful? Or you just think I'm a total jerk. Either way.

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Don't worry! I'm pretty much as singing newb too, as I've never been trained or anything like that. I prefer constructive criticism over 'you suck!', really ;)


And haha! Thanks for the advice, Angie! :P

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I meant newb as in on the forum, seeing as I didn't want to offend anyone (namely, you) by being a total stranger. I've been singing for over ten years, but with no real "training," unless acting/singing/dancing class, middle school chorus, and/or attending school for musical theatre counts. The middle hardly counts in comparison.


And I agree, advice is much better than opinions with no reasoning behind them. Anything that helps another artist or myself to improve is welcome. I'm not really a believer in perfection, but I peronally like other people voicing their opinions in order to strive as close to that mark as possible.

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Your welcome Livvy.


Sorry for replying so late.


I think if you like to sing, and aren't planning on going professinal, it really doesn't matter whether you sound like Celine Dion/Maria Callas or whoever.


Just be you and enjoy the ride ^_^

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^was that aimed at me? (Don't think Livvy replied on this topic twice.. )


And yeah, I will just sing for randomness :) I know I don't want to be a pro simply because I'm too shy to go on stage (or even show myself when singing, lol)


Next video up! God Help The Outcasts, from Disney :)



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I'm planning on going pro. One doesn't attend high school for musical theatre if they don't plan on singing for a living.


I've sang solo live in front of 3,000+ people before, so I'm not exactly stage fright.

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