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Hi there, citizens of The Daily Neopets! I'm Ferna, and as the topic suggests, I'm new to both the site and these forum. As a first impression, it seems pretty cool overall. :)


Anyways, I've been playing neopets for quite a while. My main goal is to get a Draik, but they're so expensive. I have about two million neopoints right now, but I'm finding it increasingly hard to not go on a spending spree. I would love to become an avid avatar collector, so I might make use of the awesome looking Avvie Lending Program here.


A bit about me, since some of you might be wondering. I'm a high school student, and sometimes I find it hard to get on because of schoolwork. I love reading, writing, and also music, particularly playing my flute. I love being in band and I practice a lot, so I'm a pretty good player. My favorite color is purple and I love most animals, particularly cats and owls. I look forward to meeting some of you people!



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Welcome to TDN! :) Yeah, Draik was my dreamy too. Got one gifted for xmas from fiance this year. :) As for the spending spree, I know well how that goes. I always say I am gonna save X ammount for X item, then its like 'oooh thats cool! *buy buy buy*' Was doing well, close to 2 mil as you are now, then the plot battles came, and had to go into hardcore training and pick up a BD set. :P Stayed broke pretty much through the whole plot. Haha.

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Hey there, Ferna. I'm neoking2002_neo, but you can call me Neomysterion here at The Daily Neopets Forums. Your favourite colour is purple? That's my favourite colour as well. If you're into animation, obscure culture, and chocolate, I'm your guy! Welcome to the forums. ;)

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Nice to meet you guys, thanks for the warm welcome!


Kazedo, that's awesome that you got a Draik! :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who tends to go off on spending sprees. So far I've somehow managed to contain myself from spending /too/ much, but Driaks are just so expensive. I feel like everytime I go look at the trading post prices it's more expensive than ever...


Neomysterion, it's awesome to meet someone else who likes purple! I used to have my whole room painted a lovely shade of purple, but then we had to move. I most certainly like chocolate, I don't know how people who are allergic to chocolate can survive.


Cornflakes, I'm sorry about the fairy dust. Now that I'm here, it probably won't happen again.

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Welcome to the forums Ferna. :) I'm Spritzie.


Draiks are totally do-able. I came back to my account last July, with only having 1 million. I didn't do much by April, so I had 2 million by that point. Due to the 8x game scores, I had 5 million by the end of April. And I bought my Draik Egg mid-September for 12 million. I just went crazy on games and refused to allow myself to buy a whole lot otherwise.

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Hey Spritzie, it's great to meet you! I believe you just lent me a Drackonack for the avvie. ^_^


Whoa, that's pretty amazing! Thanks a ton for the success story. It really helps to know other people who have managed to meet their goals of Draiks and Krawks. Maybe your story will motivate me to go play a ton of games and clean out my SDB. I have so much stuff in there I might actually be able to find some things that are actually worth neopoints to sell. By the way, your Draik is so cute!


Also, it's nice to hear of someone using games. A lot of times people seem into restocking to make money, but I'm really awful at that. It bores me silly to sit there and wait for the shops to restock and then I always miss anything good.

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Yes, that was me :)


I can't do the restocking. I'm just not quick enough for it. So games have been my main income, as well as just selling anything I came across that I didn't really, really want to keep.


And thank you :D

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