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Lab Ray Questions


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I have a couple different ones :)

1. How many zaps does it usually take until you get a color change? I know it's random, but generally?

2. After I get my pets the colors i'm looking for, I kind of want to start zapping pound pets and adopting them out. How would I go about finding people to adopt and such? :)


Thanks everybody :)

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Honestly it is random. I have gone for probably 2 or 3 weeks with one account and haven't gotten anything but stat changes. However on my other account I have had about 7 color changes in the last few months.


I would search for new owners on the neopian pound chat board or here. I am more inclined to adopt out a pet to people here then there but its easier and faster to find interested people there. I want to eventually do the same thing but it seems so much harder to get the perfect zap then i originally planned.

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I have color changes quite often .. just not the species/colors I like .. it was once zapped into a Mynci and had like 10 color changes ...


Today I got this


The ray is fired at darkinvention...

... and he changes colour to Zombie!!



not bad at all really ... except i dont like zombie color :skull: :sick02:


but still Zombie Peophin is one of the better ones

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I had a lab rat that changed color frequently - once a week or sometimes more. I got quite a few avs out of him. Then he changed into a Halloween Gnorbu and stayed that way for MONTHS. Finally he started changing again and turned into a Chocolate Xweetok, so then I traded him out because I knew he would be someone's dreamie.


I have a personal theory that some pets just change color/species more than others. I had one lab rat that changed dozens of times, and then I had another one that only changed like 3 or 4 times in a few months.


You can advertise your UFA/UFT here on our fantastic Adoption and Trading Center. I simply advertised my UFT on the Neoboards and found an adopter almost instantly. You can also join an adoption guild that centralizes all of the member pets UFA, like TNO (billopan.com).

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My lab pets were changing quite frequently. Zapped an Elephante to Lost Desert, and the very next zap turned him Maraquan. Have been zapping for a week+ now with no color/species change though. It seems to be completely random.


As for adoption services, they usually run them through the Neopian Pound boards. Post the list that you have available for adoption, and people will either apply or however you set it up to get the pet they want.

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Well right after I posted this..the next day my Uni got zapped Halloween...which is exactly what I wanted :D

My other "dream pet" can't be zapped that way so i'll probably start zapping pound pets pretty soon, and get a "lab rat"

So thank you for all the advice! I'll probably be advertising pets in the adoption and trading center :) And if someone is looking for something in particular let me know and if I get one you can have it! <3

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. After I get my pets the colors i'm looking for


I had like 6 pets I wanted (species/color picked out) and I haven't gotten one from that list using the lab ray. However, I did have one that zapped into a robot Ixi that I just fell in love with. So it may take awhile, even if you already have one of your dream pets. Congrats, by the way.


The few times I have adopted pets out, I wanted to make sure I got someone that really appreciated it (I didn't spend all that time zapping just so they could trade it in a week for something else), so I stayed away from the PC. I put her up on an adoption petpage (which is now defunct) and turned down about 10 people before I found someone I was happy with.

Good luck zapping.

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I havent had much luck with color changes. I get a nice one once in a while, but then it will go to... I dont know, a white skeith for instance. (Thats what it currently is). So its a gamble. And dont expect to get fantastic colors/species right away. But if you do, more power to you.

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