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Key Quest Tokens in Canada?


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So, my fellow Canadians, I have a question. I've looked in all four stores that sell the KQ plushie things (Zellers, WalMart, Claire's and Toys R Us), but I have yet to find any (or at least any with the tags still attached, because some enterprising young thing has simply ripped them off without bothering to pay for the plushie). Has anyone else managed to find any, and if you did, did it take you a while of searching?


Obviously I'm not in dire straits for one of these things, but I'm sick of playing with a Bruce token that I didn't even choose (I think it defaulted to it or something), and I'm financially stable enough to fork out 5 or 6 bucks for a new one.



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The KQ plushies were available at Christmas two years ago. They have since been discontinued. :( The only stores I ever found them at were Zellers and Claire's, but since they are no longer being produced, the only way you will still find one is blind luck (or Ebay, maybe). Sorry to be the bringer of bad news.

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Hum yes... I was able to purchase 4 plushies at two different Zellers. Note that one of the store is a really old one and that most people never visit since it because it's facing a WalMart...


You might want to consider buying a token from the NC Mall. They release new one every month or so. Sometimes, TNT gives out token for taking part into site activities too.

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