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Force me to draw.


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So I need motivation. Lately I've despised drawing because I'm not content with anything. Thus, I need to get better before I slip into insanity and give up the hobby all together. I've gone SO long without drawing!


So if anyone would like a picture drawn for them, just prod me with a sharp stick until I get it done. I'll try to doodle anything. Frankly, I'm awful at Neopets art. But I can give it a (feeble) try.

Anything is game though! I hope I can get a few done for people and actually like the results! :)

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I can give it a try! I'm not so good at cutesy thing, and I'm just warning you that I have never ever played Kirby in my life, haha. So I'm hoping Google images will tell me everything I need to know about Jigglypu--I mean, Kirby. :P

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I would like to request an art:


This picture will be a piggy, dancing in the rain with his friend the alligator (not crocodile!) accompanying on the banjo. I'm seeing a sort of marshy setting, and I think we should throw in a dragon and a red-neck, to keep it from getting too cutesy.


Go crazy with it!


Let me know if there is some way I can return the favor (seriously, ask for anything, the worst I'll say is "no").

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That sounds adorable! Oh man, I'll try my best. Haha.

I don't have classes tomorrow so hopefully I can get some done. I've started your Kirby! :) Haha, it's a TOTALLY different style of drawing for me, it's so strange. I'm usually very messy with lots and lots of lines but Kirby's so simple that you either have to tone it down or have a very creepy Kirby. So I'm trying to go cutesy! Heh heh, which is not usually in my nature. :P

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I don't mean to mess with Awesome Sauce's idea, but I think a dark (not in shade, but in the overall mood of the drawing) Kirby would be intense (but not a psychotic Kirby, don't want to scare the children - too much).


Also, unrelated: the Psyduck in your signature is dancing to "Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service. Listening to it now, and I couldn't help but notice he's matching the beat perfectly.

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Oh! Draw for me... draw for me... *ponders* Can you do backgrounds/landscapes? If yes, draw me a desert-y landscape. (Think Egypt, not cacti.)


If you have time, that is. And if you don't do backgrounds, that's totally chill too.

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I challenge you to combine the following elements:


A Baba-Yaga hut, you know, on creepy chicken legs? :D

A Pteri, a Quiggle, and a JubJub (for practice at drawing Neopets! :D)

An umbrella

An AWESOME moustache (on anything. ANYTHING)

An accordian





A giant pie.



I have faith in you! :D

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Yes! Give me more stuff to draw! I figure if I force myself to draw things that I ordinarily wouldn't, I'll get better at all the things that I'm avoiding. *shiver* I hope I have time to get to everyone's idea! (I also have school finals coming up, ohhohoho.)


Check it out! I started the piggy sketch, working on the alligator right now. For my first time drawing a pig, I'm pretty happy with it so far.




Look who's (slowly) coming to life! :D I have NEVER colored more than something teeny tiny in Photoshop before, certainly never used anything but flat colors. So this is an experiment and a half!

And yes, working on Kirby and a pretty umbrella as we speak. Yaaaaay.

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I'll make you draw if you make me study for my finals! sigh

DITTO. I have a 12 page pysch paper due THIS Monday. MAN.

I would love to draw for you all and I will! School is beating me with a heavy boot right now, especially in regards to that aforementioned paper. Plus, I'm moving so my world is full of boxes right now. STRESSFUL!

But I promise I will get to you all! Especially a cute Pikachuuu. <3 And a koala and platypus! I need to work on my animals. They're fun to draw, because you have a little more room for stylistic interpretation, whereas drawing human figures sometimes feels pretty rigid to me.

What am I even saying, it's 1AM and I haven't slept much. Go to bed, Sarah.

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Can I request a picture of either of either of my draiks Alarmm or Oron? Oron might be a little more fun for you since his design is a little more draik-esk then Alarmm's. Anyways, Here's Alarmm's ref: Alarmm, and this is the best I have for a reference of Oron, sorry, I've been too lazy to do a real reference sheet for him. *shot* Oron

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My 12 page psych paper is knocking me dead, guys. I've had so little time to even breathe!

So here are some quick sketches to hold the requests over. :( I feel so bad, I really do intend to draw for everyone!


Something With a Mustache:


He's got a mustache! Haha, this was sadly the first thing that came to mind. I often draw these little skeleton monsters in the margins of notes during class. So now, here is one with a mustache and a monocle. He's so dapper!



The epic Kirby picture isn't done yet, and I feel bad! So here is a cute Kirby wearing a Pikachu hat in the meantime.


I am terrible at cute and lineless things! Originally Kirby had these BIG SUGARY anime eyes, and I had to get rid of them. Anime eyes freak me out. A lot. Too much. It was looking into my soul.

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Add Pteri to the list of done! I did a Faerie Pteri, which was fun.


Okay, I like drawing cute things more than I realized, haha. The zigzags on the tail are my favorite part. :P

(I hope it isn't too big, it re-sizes on my monitor though.)

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