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The Faeries' Ruin: Chapter 14


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Better late than never but I have to agree with Xandra. All they do is sit around prettily doing nothing.


I can see a happy ending coming but I hope something about Faerieland will change (cannot get used to the American spelling, keep having to copy and paste lol).

I will just stick to Fairy.


The American spelling is definitely fairy as well. Faerie is an alternate spelling that I've only seen Neopets using. =/


Oh yes. There should definitely be at least a major change to Faerieland. They shouldn't just restore it perfectly back to normal. That would be boring and anticlimactic.

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The American spelling is definitely fairy as well. Faerie is an alternate spelling that I've only seen Neopets using. =/


Oh yes. There should definitely be at least a major change to Faerieland. They shouldn't just restore it perfectly back to normal. That would be boring and anticlimactic.



"Faerie" is the original spelling of the word. Then, through time, it became "fairy". Both are ok, though.

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The American spelling is definitely fairy as well. Faerie is an alternate spelling that I've only seen Neopets using. =/


Oh yes. There should definitely be at least a major change to Faerieland. They shouldn't just restore it perfectly back to normal. That would be boring and anticlimactic.


Really? I have never seen the American usage of Fairy. Must just be me. But yes, we need new things in Faerieland.

The politics might change.


I never even knew the Faeries ruled until I read a post in the forum. Shows how much I know.



"Faerie" is the original spelling of the word. Then, through time, it became "fairy". Both are ok, though.


Yeah I realised when I went ahead and Googled it up :D

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I like her as a character now that she did all of this. Yeah, I know I'm evil.


Nah, not evil :) It was a good character move. Before that she was not a particularly likable character, at least to me. But the moment it became clear she was behind all this, she became interesting, and somewhat hardcore. I like her MUCH better as the villain than as the grumpy academic.

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Maybe the fall of faerieland onto the sea creates a climate change that moves the storm over Lutari Island making it safe to visit at once :whistle:


*sigh* I hate waiting between chapters, makes me think about weird possibilities <_<

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Also, has anyone noticed how today's advent calendar features non-petrified Faeries?


Aye, but I wouldn't put too much significance into it. There was something else I noticed at one point, I completely forget what now, that involved non-petrified faeries when they had no right to be. I think it's more likely a result of them being a little behind with the plot, but the Advent Calender already being all done and lined up.

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I really like where the story of this plot is going. But I need more! This chapter is all we've had in weeks...I am too impatient :worried: Any idea when the next step/chapter will be released?

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