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The Faeries' Ruin: Chapter 14


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Hmmmm, this is getting interesting! I bet Hanso is tagging along with Xandra so he knows what she's up to, but I've also got a feeling that she's gonna take them down as well by seemingly wanting them to help her; i.e. it's going to be a two-way game.


I do think that Faerieland's going to return though, but if they do give the happy ending, then I won't be surprised. Loads of kids go on the site, they can't make it too brutal/upsetting (Just look at the NT -

they've got strict guidelines in order to keep the content child-friendly).

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I usually prefer bittersweet endings. It's kind of nice to have some parts of the ending be happy, but I like there to be a heavy cost for the happy parts.

Yeah that's what I'm hoping for too.


I'm gonna get pretty angry if after all of this epicness building up, the ending will be really cheesy and predictable.

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Despite the amount of protest I'm seeing on the Neoboards about this particular chapter, I really liked it. Yes, it did have the obligatory "Villain explains their Evil Plan" thing (though in this case it's more of a You Are Too Late trope, because she's already brought down the faeries and their land), but the villain this time isn't an out-and-out Evil. Xandra makes a good point about the faeries, and, though her methods are a little whack-job, she's not just doing it solely for her own personal gain.


As for the Happy Ending everyone seems so against, I'm all for it. I mean, yes, it'd be a brilliant move to have a bittersweet or unhappy ending, but we have to remember what site this is taking place in (on?). Let Hanso do a switch and save the day and get the girl in the end. I guess it's the same reason I'm such a sucker for romantic comedies, though. I know the entire plot before I see the movie, but that doesn't stop me from watching it.


Just my two cents. :)

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I think it's time for the return of an even stronger foe (or a new one) to come and thwart all of Xandra's plans! :D But I think that may be my inner D&D having a mind of it's own. I liked the new chapter. It's written with quite a bit of suspense, leaving most anticipating some kind of an outcome. Yet at this point it can go in so many different directions. I hope they don't disappoint!

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Also, I think this is a way that Neopets is introducing Marxist theories to a wider audience.

Marxism advocates, and believes in the historical inevitability of, a proletarian revolution, when the proletariat take control of government, and then implement reforms to benefit their class, namely the confiscation of private property which is then taken under state control and run for the benefit of the people rather than for the interests of private profit. Such a system is socialism, although Marxists believe that eventually a socialist society would develop into an entirely classless system, which is known as communism in Marxist thought.
From Wikipedia entry on Marxism.


The similarities here are that Xandra wants to use a classless system to prevent tyranny, however, she is enforcing a dictatorship.


By saying the statement, I am not saying that Neopets endorses Marxism.

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Well if that ends up as the final outcome, it definitely reflects upon TNT's need for new writers.


I agree. A change from a happy ending would be a nice change... not everybody gets one :mellow:

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I'm with Xandra, what did those Faeries ever do anyway? I never got anything good from that Wheel! ^_^


I definitely think TNT needs new writers, regardless of how this turns out. I don't think happy endings are necessarily a bad thing, I love dark, messed up stories, but I also love my animated Disney movies (and Enchanted ~ talk about warm fuzzy feeling happy ending). It all depends on how it's written. You can have a quality, kid friendly story with a happy ending, but the writing has to be good. I've said before I'm not fond of TNT's writing, I think it's very juvenile. Just because it's a story for kids doesn't mean it has to be childish and predictable.


Xandra without her spectacles. Somehow she looks cute. :D

Yeah, I like the way she looks now.

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I'm with those that expect the very predictable happy ending of Hanso swarting Xandra's plans.

Shame really, while I don't agree with her totally on the fairies "ruling" Neopia she has a point about them being rather useless most of the time. Would be nice to see a change there but since Faerieland can still be visited and there was even a new HT weapon I find it unlikely not to have some plot device that will basically be a reset button.

Anyway, if there comes a point where we can choose sides I'll be with Xandra. ...always had a weakness for mad scientists and similar personalities

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Maybe after the Faeries and Faerieland is restored, the Faeries will see how they had been viewed by some, and change a bit. Maybe we'll see some additional goodies from the Faeries after the plot is over.

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Maybe after the Faeries and Faerieland is restored, the Faeries will see how they had been viewed by some, and change a bit. Maybe we'll see some additional goodies from the Faeries after the plot is over.


I would still be very angry with the staff. Not only do I not like Faerieland, but it would show that they used the happy ending for the billionth time.

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I think happy endings are underrated personally. Probably because I get way too emotionally attached to stories I read. xD I do agree that it would be interesting to see TNT pull away from the usual clichés though.

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I don't mind happy endings. But they are used wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too often. And TNT uses them all the time.


I write and I always pull a sad or bittersweet ending because the world needs to remember that not everybody gets the perfectly happy ending that they want.

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I think happy endings are underrated personally. Probably because I get way too emotionally attached to stories I read. xD I do agree that it would be interesting to see TNT pull away from the usual clichés though.


I agree with you. I get really attached as well. Plus, I love Faerieland and the Faeries, so that's another reason for me to hope all ends well.

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Plus, I love Faerieland and the Faeries, so that's another reason for me to hope all ends well.


Wow. You and I are complete opposites. I hate Faerieland and the Faeries, which only applifies my wishes for a negative ending.

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Wow. You and I are complete opposites. I hate Faerieland and the Faeries, which only applifies my wishes for a negative ending.


It's always been my nature. Though until HS you wouldn't know it (I was extremely sporty) I've always loved all things girly. I love rainbows, colors, glitter, shiny stuff. :P But I'm also a very hopeful person. I always hope for the best. Even with Xandra. I won't go as far to say everything will be perfect, but... one can hope.

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I'm a rather dark person, if that hasn't already been guessed several times before. Dark colors, dark stories, and such. While I don't mind happy stories with happy endings, I hate them when they become overused. This bleak attitude is kinda what make me agree with Xandra. And I can very much relate to her: Someone that works so hard and is shunned by others, as they fail to notice their full potential. It's happened so many times before to me.

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I'll settle for a happy middle ground. :D I'm not especially personally attached to Faerieland or the faeries themselves, and a "but it was too late to save them" ending would be nicely refreshing. But on the other hand, Faerieland is full of useful things, which I'd hate to lose, and it'd make all the little girls on Neopets cry, and that's just sad. :D

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Well the Neopets globe on the explore page is getting pretty full. Just saying.


Though I'd think if they were going to remove a world, Faerieland would be one of the last to go. It seems like it would be a really popular world with much of the Neopets audience, though, I personally am not a fan.


Usually, I don't find the plots much worth reading, but this latest chapter update was better than the usual and a little less predictable. Hopefully they can continue that through to the ending.

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Better late than never but I have to agree with Xandra. All they do is sit around prettily doing nothing.


I can see a happy ending coming but I hope something about Faerieland will change (cannot get used to the American spelling, keep having to copy and paste lol).

I will just stick to Fairy.

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As weird as it is, I'm hoping maybe Xandra will see her errors, and maybe end up helping clean up her mess. As strange as she is, I do like her as a character.


I like her as a character now that she did all of this. Yeah, I know I'm evil.

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