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Advice for upgrades


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Hello all, I need some advice on weapon upgrades. I mostly play one player battles and my current set is Downsize!, Scarab Ring , Golden Compass, Greater Healing Scrol, Snowglobe Staff, Purple Sticky Hand, Patched Magic Hat.


Currently, I have managed to earn around 7mil np and I am considering whether to buy a ghoskerbomb, kelperd trident or sword of skardsen in future. I can only buy one of those and am unsure which one to buy.


I am thinking of Kelp trident or SoS because the bomb is only one use but between KT and SoS I cannot decide. Both have the same pattern of icons( one water one dark) but SoS cost more.


Also, is too much of the same icon important to 1 player battlers? If not, should I continue to save for the pirate cutlass or go for defensive items?

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Unfortunately I don't have any advice for you, but I too am considering upgrading to SoS or Ghostkerbomb.


My current battle set:


Leaf Shield

Honey Potion

Scuzzys Comb

Golden Compass

Purple Sticky Hand



Strength: 155

Defence: 8

HP: 566

Level: 50


Any recommendations? I'm willing to consider other upgrades. I've used Ylanas Blaster before and liked it, but I might want to go even higher.


Also, I primarily battle in 1p, almost never in 2p, so please keep that in mind. Shields aren't that important to me because of that and my high HP.


Another question, too: Would I be better off spending the NP to train my pet and raise her defence than upgrading weapons? Please advise!

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For both of you, upgrading a single expensive weapon is useless... Save more Neopoints first and raise your stats.


You're aiming for 1-player fights (DON series are "easy" to deal with since it requires a single win, plots are that way harder because of capping opponents) so having an excellent weapon together with a low-level set won't help you much... And if your pets' stats are low too...


Now, there are still some differences between you two, so first come first serve :D


Quest: Your pet is too weak to consider the Gbomb, KBT or SoS !


First I advise you to upgrade your Health Points (your Lutari is currently level 25, you can raise her Health Points to 75). Once you raised your Health Points, raise your level to 38 so that you can deal with strength (and defense if you want) and raise it/them to 76. Then with a level 38 pet, you can raise your Health Points to 114. (For a given level, you can have max double strength/defense/agility points and triple health points ;)). Agility is useful for a few BD items so concentrate on the key stats first (you can use Sneggs to raise your agility points together with health points)

The more health points your pet has, the more damages he/she can take, so more turns and a greater chance to defeat your opponents.


Then, for the DON series, before fighting your opponents, check their weapon set first and adapt your set with one-use BD items and hope everything goes well (you only need a single win, no need to spend too many NP). For plots, as you go on fighting the same opponents, they will become stronger and will be able to take more damages too. In that case, a lower stat pet can still win if he/she uses the right BD item: Prickly/Voidberry Potions!

Your pet's strength boost will be much lower than your opponents' ones so it is better to use their strength boost against them :D


Lamppost: Your pet has a current strength boost of 3 !


In your case, health points aren't the problem (more than my pets). However, your strength points are!

I consider the best possibility: you use SoS with Leaf Shield + Berserk, 24 icons at max, opponent uses berserk too. Max possible damages ever: 162

Against the former Annihilators and Tormentors, this is not enough to kill them in a single turn. As you're aiming to cap the stronger opponents, they will reach a strength boost of 15 (max) for sure.

Using Prickly/Voidberry Potion with Prickly/Voidberry Potion + Defense (reduce your damages taken), the best possibility will be when your opponent use berserk, so: always 12 icons, opponent's strength boost of 15, stance of 1.5 (berserk). Max possible damages ever: 270

Which is more than 100 health points with a SoS at max icons !! And since SoS doesn't do 24 icons each time...

Since your pet is level 50 and health points above 500, the fastest and also cheapest way to raise your strength points is to use Neggs or Strength Serum/Essence of Drackonack/Greater Earthen Potion. Bubbling Fungus is risky since it can grant your pet +5 Strength points but also can reduce them by 3 (max)...

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Lamppost: Your pet has a current strength boost of 3 !


In your case, health points aren't the problem (more than my pets). However, your strength points are!

I consider the best possibility: you use SoS with Leaf Shield + Berserk, 24 icons at max, opponent uses berserk too. Max possible damages ever: 162

Against the former Annihilators and Tormentors, this is not enough to kill them in a single turn. As you're aiming to cap the stronger opponents, they will reach a strength boost of 15 (max) for sure.

Using Prickly/Voidberry Potion with Prickly/Voidberry Potion + Defense (reduce your damages taken), the best possibility will be when your opponent use berserk, so: always 12 icons, opponent's strength boost of 15, stance of 1.5 (berserk). Max possible damages ever: 270

Which is more than 100 health points with a SoS at max icons !! And since SoS doesn't do 24 icons each time...

Since your pet is level 50 and health points above 500, the fastest and also cheapest way to raise your strength points is to use Neggs or Strength Serum/Essence of Drackonack/Greater Earthen Potion. Bubbling Fungus is risky since it can grant your pet +5 Strength points but also can reduce them by 3 (max)...


Thanks! I know I have stat problems but it's just so hard to fix them because of the low level. Too bad the lab ray doesn't build stats evenly. :( If I was doing it over again, I would raise her level as the lab ray raised the health points. Oh well. Thank you for the advice!

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For the last plot, I had saved around 10m NP, and decided on a couple of y-blasters, snowglobe staff, greater healing scroll, purple sticky hand, and tossed the rest into a ghostkerbomb (hee hee).


My BD pet, Zolenz was already at the 125 boosts, and I trained as fast as I could to 158 HP (the highest I dare go and not push past 3 codestone training)


So, what was my experience? Well, I think a Kelpbeards Trident is probably better than a Ghostkerbomb. The bomb is da bomb so to speak, and I dearly love it, but unless you manage to get a freeze...or need to toss all you can at them at the end to try for a tie (or win) while berserking, its not as effective as you'd think.


The multi use of the KBT makes it nicer...you can just keep using it in 1P...and try to bring em down with firepower.


That said, I picked up a couple Prickly Potions after about halfway through. Those little guys are awesome. My little 158 HP pet could take on 500+ HP opponents and not lose too much.


So...in summary...look around for the best weapons for the task at hand. A single weapon taking more than half your NP is seemingly overkill...but I know exactly how you feel...you want something really good. I know I did. But unfortunately the other posters were right...training is the way to get there. A single weapon is very nice...I love my Ghostkerbomb and will be keeping it a long time. But I realize now I just need to knuckle down and get Zolenz to the 200 boost asap. It will take until like Feb 2011 if I go as fast as I can, and probably cost a ton of NP. But once I get there, that g-bomb will be 50% more effective.

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