Rose_682 Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 So, here's the thing. I have a magical maze of doom in my head. As you play, you will attempt to get out of the maze. The first person to get out of the maze, starts the next level of the maze. Fair, right? EDIT: To explain how this works on my end. The more people that join, the easier this gets for me :P.The only hard part is keeping track of the items. :O Some of it is off the top if my head, but I'm actually using dice for most of it :P, with a rudimentary map as a guide. A really old map, but a map, nonetheless. I mean, the only thing I need the map for is to make sure I eventually end up at the outside of the maze! The dice tell me what happens. Basically, it goes as follows: 1- REALLY bad events. 2- Bad events, but not so bad you can't recover pretty quickly. 3- Relatively neutral, with a small amount of bad. 4- Relatively neutral, leaning toward good. 5- Pretty good. Nothing to complain about for sure. 6- Excellent. Can't get any better than this. Then I take into account the items the player chooses to use. Depending on how well they described the item, and how functional they made it, I take a number off, depending on the roll of two dice. 2-3- Only take .5 off the given danger rating 4-5- Take 1.0 off total danger rating 6-7- Take 1.5 off danger rating 8+ - Take 2.0 off danger rating As for the environment, random events, locations of stairs and such (yes, those change, but hey, at least I have the opportunity to make sure that no matter what path a player chooses to take, they will eventually either see a wall (reach the edge or the cube, or run into a dead end), or the way out) action results, characters, and places, and even the expanse of the environment (from very small to huge) are all on me. I'd get bored, otherwise :P. Well, here are the rules. 1. You may move any direction, except diagonally. The maze is a cube in this level, and you may move up or down as well, but only when presented with an object that allows you to do so (stairs, ladders, elevators, etc.) 2. You are on your own with this one. Because the maze is magical, just because what one person does is favorable to them does not mean it will be the same to you. It changes after each turn. 3. I will tell you when you hit a wall, or stairs, or when and how your environment changes. 4. You may create up to 6 objects to help with your escape. None of these are magical. They can only react to what you are given, so choose wisely. (You may create them all at once, or as the situation arises). 5. You may not move again until I've told you what happened! The only exceptions to the above rules are when I except them in my post of what happened. :P And Yes, I will do that from time to time. I enjoy random challenges. :D 6. Have fun. Also, beware of snakes. :D EDIT to explain movement: You move 4 units a day maximum on foot. This will decrease if you are injured, tired, or sick. So we assume, unless otherwise stated in my post, that you are not either. When you enter a new room, whether or not you used all your units for the previous day, your turn ends, and I explain to you what is going on. You move 5 units a day on a bike. You move 8 units a day in a motorized vehicle. You move 10 (the max) units per day if you find the train. The train will take you to the next station, kick you off, and leave you there. There are 17 stations. Good luck :) The ITEM List: (this is so I can keep track of everyone's items). JB: 1. Large Light-weight container 2. Portable Shovel 3. Flashlight 4. 5. 6. Non-created items: tent bundle (included are the tent, sleeping bag, pillow, and a talking pet rock) Sakurabelle: 1. Long, sheer, tightly woven scarf 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Non-created items: first aid kit. (contains 1 dose of anti-venom (snake), two bandages, saline, a syringe, and 4 bandaids) small vial of sleeping dust. d.Lia: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Non-created items: Kandice: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Non-created items: Livvy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Non-created items: You all start directly in the middle of the cube. Entrances are to your right and left, and in front of you, and behind you. The current time of day is Afternoon. The current environment is temperate forest. The current obstacles are none. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 This sounds cool, so I'll try. (And when you say non-magical, are Tardises included?) So, what I do is, I jump. Then I sniff the ground. Deciding it would be for the best, I choose to go to my right. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 2, 2010 Author Posted December 2, 2010 (Yes, TARDISes included. The items must be entirely ordinary.) You are now 14 units from where you started. You enter a second, and very large room. The entrances are to your left, in front of you, and there are stairs leading up and down. The time is Early Morning, Day 4(of your journey). The environment is desert. There is an oasis in the far right corner of the room. The obstacles are sand dunes, shifting with the wind, scorpions, and the sun. You need to get out of this room in 6 units (or to the oasis, to replenish your health) (you move a maximum of 4 units a day on foot). The room is 5 units (left to right) by three units (up and down). You may travel diagonally within this room. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 Okay, I'm gonna make a large, light-weight container (did I mention large) that'll go on my back that I'm filling with some of the Oasis water all the way, so I'll be able to travel for longer. Then I'm gonna go down the stairs. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 2, 2010 Author Posted December 2, 2010 You make it safely out of the desert without even ONE scorpion bite. Congratulations. You've moved 9 units from where you were previously. The entrances are to your right, and straight in front of you. The time is Early Evening. You see a Farm to your left (you might be able to get some information here, if you can believe the people who live there), some green rolling hills in front of you, a cliff behind you, and a vast forest to your right. The possible obstacles are wildlife, rain, and falling trees. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 Am I allowed to commit suicide? XD. Nah, I think I'll make a porta-shovel and start digging in the ground. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 2, 2010 Author Posted December 2, 2010 You dig for days and days, and manage only one units movement. You do find a very rare trinket though. The maze offers up to you a token. You can save this token, or use it to play the slots (they magically appear as soon as you want to use them) at a later time. The slots can teleport you, they can give you items (that do NOT count to your total of created items), they can heal you, or they can hinder you (make you sick, spawn enemies, steal an item, etc). 75% of the time, you'll win something good. You've been in the maze for 17 days now. It's Early Morning. The Farm to your left is the only thing that's changed, other than the hole in the ground. The farmer and his family have gathered to watch the crazy person dig. :D There are no obstacles while the farmer is around. The weather is good, the wildlife is scared of him, and you're not anywhere near the trees yet. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 Wow. That was useful. At least I get this token. Is the token/ticket the same thing? Anyway, I'm going to use my token. *Inserts into slot machine* Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 2, 2010 Author Posted December 2, 2010 The slot machine spins and spins and spins. Suddenly, the maze changes. YOU HIT THE JACKPOT. You find a railway station where the farm had been. You can get on the train, or you can go right, forward, backwards, or you can take the elevator for up to three floors (up or down, you need to specify how many floors and which direction). You also gain a non-created item. You are granted a tent bundle (included are the tent, sleeping bag, pillow, and a talking pet rock). You spend no time, so no other changes are necessary. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 Cool! I love pet rocks. I'm gonna hop on the train, going left on it, if possible. (BTW, I seem to be the only person playing) Quote
Sakurabelle Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 This looks like fun! After noting that JB went right, I glance around the trees above me and decide to go left. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 2, 2010 Author Posted December 2, 2010 Ok! So, I have two people to reply to. :P JB: The train takes you left for three days before booting you off. You've travelled 30 units. Your total time travelled is 20 days. The entrances to this room are to the left, one set of stairs (only leading UP), and the entrance to a cave behind you. Your environment is as follows (read carefully!): To your left, a river, with an old, rickety wooden and rope bridge. The river is set 15 feet down between some very steep banks. (You are capable of crossing the bridge, just so you are aware. Otherwise, there would not be an entrance on the other side :P) The river's current is very fast. The water is also very, very cold. The weather in this direction looks stormy today. In front of you is vast city, glittering with it's brilliance. Behind it is an impassable mountain range. The weather in this direction is frighteningly strange. The sky above the city is on fire. However, it is raining. ;) To the right is a long flat plain, and then a wall. Behind you is a dark cave. Nothing more is known about this cave. Though you could ask in the city, if you wanted to take the time. Your only obstacle is your own indecision. :) Sakurabelle: You travel for 12 units, and come to a stop in the Late Evening in a meadow. The meadow is lit by the light of thousands and thousands of fireflies. The stars in the sky are drowned out by their brilliance. There are millions of tiny purple flowers in the grass. The air is filled with a shimmering brilliance. You breathe a sigh of relief. You begin to feel sleepy. Your possible escape routes are to your right, and in front of you. To your right, the exit lies 5 units away. In front of you, the exit lies 7 units away. Your environment (what has not already been described): To all sides of you, there are rolling hills with those tiny purple flowers, and their shimmering pollen, which makes you so very sleepy. In front of you, about three units ahead, is a house. A small house, with big, well-lit windows. To your right, there is a small pond before you reach the exit. The sky is clear, there is not a single threat of clouds or rain. The obstacles you encounter are fatigue (causing you to move only three units a day), and the desire to stay there forever (which hopefully you have the willpower to combat). Quote
Sakurabelle Posted December 2, 2010 Posted December 2, 2010 Upon realizing how sleepy I feel, I stumble to the right trying not to breathe in the flower pollen. I jump into the pond in an attempt to jolt myself awake. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 3, 2010 Author Posted December 3, 2010 You barely make it to the edge of the pool, but once you dunk yourself in the water, the pollen washes off of you. You begin to feel more alert, while you continue to use the water to wash the pollen off of you. It's just past Midnight now. You have traveled 2 units to get to the pond. The exit is three units away. Due to being more alert, you have the capability to travel three and a half units. But you're not out of the woods (so to speak) yet. The water causes the pollen to stick to you if you do not continually wash it away. Though this might be unpleasant, it is only the pollen by your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth which make any difference in this matter. Your obstacles are minor fatigue (-.5 units/day) and pollen sticking to the water. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 Okay. What I do is, go into the cave, dig a bit, and then set up my tent, with my pet rock as guard. Quote
Sakurabelle Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 Lucky for me I pull out my first item. It is a long and sheer scarf. Tightly wozen and rather wide, I use it to cover my face and guard against the pollen. I wait a bit for my upper half to dry before putting the scarf on and then making my way out of the pond. I debate whether to head straight for the exit or go to the house, but curiosity wins out in the end. With the scarf protecting me from pollen, I make my way to the house. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 3, 2010 Author Posted December 3, 2010 Two replies again, huh? Ok, let's go :P JB: The cave is too dark to see in, but somehow, you manage to set up your tent, without any light. (Must be good at it, I guess). You can, however, discern the slightest glow coming from deep within the cave. You can no longer exit the cave. You can, however, explore it. It's dark, and slightly damp in this cave. You have to feel your way wherever you go. There is no weather in caves. However, there is a dripping noise coming from your left. From your right, silence. The very, very faint glow seems to be coming from straight ahead. It is not strong enough to light your way. Your obstacles in this cave are hidden. The only KNOWN obstacle is the dark. Unless, of course, you are claustrophobic. Sakurabelle: You make it to the house without much difficulty. Your scarf has done it's job well, and filtered the majority of the pollen from the air before it gets to you. When you reach the house, it's late morning, and you are exhausted. You have no choice but to wait until you are rested again before continuing to travel. This spends one day. When you wake up: The owner of the house greets you with a smile. "Well, well... We were beginning to think you might never wake up!" The grizzled old man looks scary, but his eyes and voice are kind. "Young travelers like you ought to have these along at every step, you know." He hands you a first aid kit. It contains 1 dose of anti-venom (snake), two bandages, saline, a syringe, and 4 bandaids. The only exit out of the house is the front door. However, you can choose to ask the old man one question first. Quote
d.Lia Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 Hey, this looks interesting! I'm joining! :) I take a look around myself and impulsively go straight forward. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 3, 2010 Author Posted December 3, 2010 Woohoo! Another player :D :D :D You travel for 6 units before encountering a gnome in the early afternoon. He says "To pass the corridor's guardian, ME! You must answer me these riddles three! What is white and wet and cold? What is yellow and looks like gold? What is something we cannot see? Now answer me these riddles three!" (On the off chance you're afraid you'll get it wrong, there are multiple answers to each question. i'm LOOKING for the most obvious, but I'll take other things as well.) In this current situation, you are alone in a box with the gnome. You have no exits, not even the way you came from. There is no weather. And time is standing still. All that is happening in this world right now is you, and the gnome. o.o creeeepy. hahahahaha. Quote
d.Lia Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 I scratch my head, thinking for a bit, then answer: "Would that be snow, honey and, uhm, air?" I cross my fingers, hoping that I'm right. Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 3, 2010 Author Posted December 3, 2010 The gnome scratches his head, and grumbles.... "Snow is white and wet and cold! Pyrite is yellow and looks like gold! But I guess for that I'll take honey. Air is something you cannot see! You have answered my riddles three. You get the pleasure of besting me. What would you like as your reward? Door #1 Door #2 Door #3 Choose carefully :) After you choose, you will be able to progress :P Quote
Sakurabelle Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 "Thank you for allowing me to rest on your front step. My name is Sakura," I say to the old man and his companion. (since he said 'we' not 'I') "Thank you so much for the first aid kit. I'm sure it will come in very handy along my journey," I tell them with a smile. Before turning to go out the door I remember my manners and ask, "What are your names and how did you come to live in such a beautiful, deadly place?" (Asking a name doesn't count as a question; it's just good manners!) Quote
Rose_682 Posted December 3, 2010 Author Posted December 3, 2010 (agreed. Good manners are a good thing :P) The old man smiles. "My name is of no importance child, but if you must know, all those who live in this land call me Grandfather. I have lived so long, I no longer remember being called anything else. This place is not dangerous, to those who know it. I have lived here, in this house, since the beginning of Time itself. My only companion is my cat, with whom I have extensive conversations every day. He and I were conversing about you before you woke. We were concerned that perhaps you would not awake. This place is not dangerous to us, child. I tend to these flowers daily. Here, take this vial of dust with you. It might prove handy if ever you need to put something to sleep." He opens the door for you, and you find yourself back in the meadow of flowers. Quote
Kandice Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 So, you suggested I join in and I accept :) What I do: I spun in circles and ended up going the opposite way I was facing. (Backwards) Quote
Sakurabelle Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 I tuck the vial of dust securely into the first aid kit for safe keeping and then pocket the first aid kit. With scarf still firmly in place, I head off towards the closest exit. Quote
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