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Looking for Advice on Weapon Upgrades.


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Hi, I've been saving for a while to upgrade my weapon set, and plan to do so once the war is over and weapons prices deflate a little closer to their prewar prices.


Currently I've got a very basic intermediate set - Ylana's Blaster, Ring of the Lost, Greater Healing Scroll and various nine icon weapons, and shields and such that I interchange based on my needs.


I've got about 9million NP to invest, and am debating between upgrading my main weapon to Kelpbeards Trident, buying a reliable freezer, a bomb (ghostkerbomb probably) or a larger healer (I was thinking Bag of Healing Dust.)


My pet is a lab pet, so he's constantly changing species. He's around 400 HP right now.


I'm looking mostly to play in one-player, also.


Any suggestions on which of the above options would make for the greatest improvement in my set would be much appreciated :)

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I have no idea when it comes to weapons, so hopefully someone sends some good advice that I can also steal ;)

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Oh, this is tough. The Bag of Healing Dust seems really tempting, because that's 200 HP right there, and the Greater Healing Scroll is only up to 50, which is a huge improvement. If you were looking into 2-player, I'd definitely recommend that, because Kelpbeards Trident is very easily countered by the Faerie Tabard and the U-Bend of Great Justice, but it'll probably work just fine in 1-player.


As for a freezer, I'd just settle for a Black Frost Cannon, which is relatively cheap so you can get that and something else.


If you get a Ghostkerbomb, get the freezer too, because if you're going to want to use the bomb, you have to be sure that the enemy won't block most of your icons.


So I really guess it's up to you. Where do you feel like you're lacking in? Most of those improvements will be very helpful, and it's hard to say which one would be better, especially since I'm not necessarily a pro at BDing :P

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Hi, I've been saving for a while to upgrade my weapon set, and plan to do so once the war is over and weapons prices deflate a little closer to their prewar prices.


Currently I've got a very basic intermediate set - Ylana's Blaster, Ring of the Lost, Greater Healing Scroll and various nine icon weapons, and shields and such that I interchange based on my needs.


I've got about 9million NP to invest, and am debating between upgrading my main weapon to Kelpbeards Trident, buying a reliable freezer, a bomb (ghostkerbomb probably) or a larger healer (I was thinking Bag of Healing Dust.)


My pet is a lab pet, so he's constantly changing species. He's around 400 HP right now.


I'm looking mostly to play in one-player, also.


Any suggestions on which of the above options would make for the greatest improvement in my set would be much appreciated :)


I don't understand why Gbomb is so appreciated by BDers... You can only use once per battle and most of the time you use it when your opponent is frozen, which reduces the amount of damages done (an opponent who is frozen has a "cautious" stance, i.e. you multiply by... 1). If you use it for an other turn, you may have a berserk stance from your opponent, but with a shield or reflector...


Since you have the Ring of The Lost, I find it nice to use with a Sword of Skardsen. Either your opponent fully blocks the Dark icons with an Amulet of Reflection (one-use item), Gshield (which doesn't block Fire icons) or Ring of The Lost too, or reflects them with an Ultimate Dark Reflectorb, you're pretty safe and the second choice makes the difference.


Air icons are currently harder to block since those weapons are very expensive... (Jhudoras Wand, Tornado Ring or Triple Turbo Dryer are the most known) So since Ghostkersword is no more in Hidden Tower, you can still find in Pirate Captains Cutlass a great attacker.


Concerning Kelpbeards Trident, you've got a good reply before.


If you're aiming for 1-player fights, then the Bag of Healing Dust isn't useful right now. Your pet has 400 Health Points, so if you only have 1 health point remaining, then the Faerie ablities Restore, Regeneration or Healing Vapour restore 33% of lost HP, i.e. 133 HP, which added to Greater Healing Scroll makes it to 183...


Finally if you want a cheap and reliable freezer, I suggest you to keep zapping your pet until you get a Lenny (better now than a Lupe!) Lenny is a blessed species because he has:

- 2 100% freezers (Lenny Ray Gun Of Freezing AND Entangling Lenny Lasso)

- 1 50% healer (Bag Of Lenny Healing Seeds)


No need to say that one 100% freezer + one 50% healer are cheaper than a H4000 Helmet !!!!

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Thanks for the suggestions :)


It seems the general consensus is that going for a weapon upgrade is the best option right now, for me, in terms of making the most improvement. So I'll focus my attention on finding a nicely priced Kelpbeard's Trident, and look into Sword of Skarsden as my next upgrade.


Perhaps after that, I'll look into what I can do for improving my healing... since I doubt my pet is going to turn lenny anytime soon. Luck isn't on my side like that :P


Thanks again :)

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Thanks for the suggestions :)


It seems the general consensus is that going for a weapon upgrade is the best option right now, for me, in terms of making the most improvement. So I'll focus my attention on finding a nicely priced Kelpbeard's Trident, and look into Sword of Skarsden as my next upgrade.


Perhaps after that, I'll look into what I can do for improving my healing... since I doubt my pet is going to turn lenny anytime soon. Luck isn't on my side like that :P


Thanks again :)


Well TNT released a Split Lenny Morphing Potion during a recent event (less than 2 years I think) so the price is rather low. You can always buy one now and wait until you're satisfied with your pet's stats and turn him/her (depends on the lab results XD) into a Lenny ;)

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