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Oh, look, an introduction post. How clever of me.


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Hola TDNers!

So, I'm new here. Thought I'd stand up and introduce myself to the class.

M'name be Cas, Cassie, or Selusa, or ... whatever. I'll respond to "You there!" if the situation calls for it.

I've had this account for about a year and a half, but I have a 6 year account, rabid_tree, that I still go on to lament about how awesome it is. I don't know. I can't stop using the lab ray on it. I pretty much made this account because I was sick of typing in 'rabid_tree' every day and going, "Oh god why" over and over again. My 12 year old self was bizarre and thought rabies + things that don't get rabies was hilarious.

Anyway, I like collecting avatars and vigorous games of Key Quest (you know the ones. With the frequent, competitive use of power-ups that make you go "NOOOO" and "Well played, sir" at the same time), and Captain Scarblade is my faaavorite.


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My meal time tardiness is actually a serious problem, so I deserve that name. I can't tell you how many times I've sat at the table to a cold supper and the colder stares of my parents. I should see a counselor.

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