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Habitarium Premium Beta


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have any other premium players started one yet? I'm currently on level 7. It's sort of like a farmville type setup but with petpetpets.

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What is it for? I haven't heard of it yet. Like I know you said it was for petpetpets but... I'M CONFUSED lol.

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Basically there's petpetpets (so far I've only seen 3 species) and each have a different kind of job ( so far, i've seen soldiers, nesters and workers) and you can build buildings and gather supplies and breed the petpetpets. You can also add neofriends to the game where you can raid their habitariums for supplies or help them rebuild their structures if they're attacked. You get experience points for different things and level up. when you level, you get neopoints, the higher the level, the more you get for leveling. At the point I'm at, it seems pretty basic, but as it's a newer feature, I'm sure they'll be adding more features to it in the future. It's actually rather addicting :|

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They'll probably make it site-wide available when they're done testing. I wonder how long that'll take

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