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Posted (edited)

This thread is for step 7 which more than likely will occure. im just getting it set up. Please in the mean time discuss the plot in the general discussion thread.


General Discussion Thread: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/21771-tfr-general-discussion-board/



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Edited by Spritzie
  • 2 weeks later...

Sense no one's on capable of unlocking the thread. all posts about the new step here. Also I am doing up the challanger information. Soooo ill keep you guys informed. Right now. Pwn and pwn hard.

Posted (edited)

Capped Minions at 50 and Destroyers at 40 (didn't checked before)


Thinking about fighting those Commanders before the remaining 6 ennemies appear. One of the fearless deed looks like the 6 up, 6 down


I also used a Trumpet of Blasting (against a Minion :P) to get the fearless deed


And you need to kill an ennemi in 3 turns to get the last deed

Edited by savamal

What's everyone's thoughts on them changing it up so the numbers of each Shadow update independently of the others?


I like it, much nicer than it was before. Really helpful to those of us who need more time to get certain ones, and don't have that much time to do it in.




It's the best they can do. It's just that when they go out, it's literally few seconds till the next ones... Maybe they are planning to have it so that there'll be like 7 of them at all times, but since only 3 are out currently, it just keeps them on all the time?



Does anyone has a tactic to share for the commanders?

I got 15 wins, and 2 draws so far.


Apparently, stealer works against the commander... So we can steal their Thyoras Tear :O


Yeah, the bug from Destro's again, this time not fixed though.



103 / 292

Power 22%


Shadow Phantom Commander

0 / 1334

Power 100%


I'm done with them. 75#


EDIT: the ones I posed are for the last challenger. Here's for the second.



Gah...I hate battledome things T_T I don't know how to fight the demon things and when I try I lose. Always. Hope everyone else does well though. Good luck.


I haven't tried the commanders, but I don't think I have the stats to beat them... the others were easy enough though.


Hm, the thought of stealing Thyora's Tear is pretty awesome... has anyone been able to do it?


I haven't tried the commanders, but I don't think I have the stats to beat them... the others were easy enough though.


Hm, the thought of stealing Thyora's Tear is pretty awesome... has anyone been able to do it?


I actually just did... I didn't get to keep it though. *tear


I actually just did... I didn't get to keep it though. *tear


haha, wouldn't that bring the price way down if you could keep it? It would be pretty awesome...


Yay for last set of challengers! Too bad the Tormentor is so easy.


My pet with 87 HP can't even beat a Commander or Conquerer. :( I don't stand a chance against the Zealots or Tormentors.


Yay for last set of challengers! Too bad the Tormentor is so easy.


o_O Yes, so very easy... Must you taunt us with your skills? :P

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