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Competition with some friends

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I have a competition with some friends, the idea is that we all start a new neopets account and after one week have our pets fight against each other. I have a few questions:


1. Should I go train at Krawk Islands or at Mystery Island? I haven't played this in years, but I remember dubloons being cheapers with mystery island being faster with finishing the course (2 vs. 4 hours?). However, if I go for the codestones (and thus spend more money) I will have less money to use on battledome items. What would you suggest?

2. Does the name of my account/neopet matter? I vaguely remember something about certain account names showing up more when the shop wizard is used, but cannot find anything about it anymore

3. Is there a guide somewhere as to what battledome items I should purchase? We only have one week

4. Lab ray... not worth it, right? I remember it being 400k way way back (prices may have changed)

5. Any tips and/or tricks?



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What an interesting idea for a competition!


I would say use Mystery Island. You're right that MI is shorter but KI is cheaper. The difference in cost, especially to begin, isn't that much (like 2k - 9k) and you could earn that by playing a few games.


I've never heard of anything about the names of your account or pet mattering. Certain names appear differently in the shop wizard, like d/q/_ because just fewer people have accounts starting with those letters, but I think it doesn't affect the likelihood of the d/q/_ page appearing on the SW. You can price your items higher and still be at the top of the list, but that doesn't mean that anyone will buy them.


Check out the TDN Battlepedia: http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/

I also like the In-Depth Battlepedia: http://idb.finalhit.org


I'd say lab ray not worth it. It's more than 400k now, and it can reduce your stats. Since it's only 1 week, it's not enough time for it to significantly raise stats.


Good luck! Keep us updated -- I'm interested to see how this turns out.

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