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I think they'll probably keep with the color theme they've been using, the dusty pinks/purples etc. Or at least that's what I'm hoping for.

i think the theme might be with the stone faeries and the dusty pinks/purples in the background.

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Lol im hoping for xandras wand. {holds out the feather wand with a odd crystal held by pipe cleaners} >=O I WILL BREAK YOU!!! XD

hmm i think that zandra's wand might be customizable related to the goo step, but of course, i may be wrong. how many combo's are there?


Side note: yay i got secret lab map! first zap: +3 defense for my neopet!


Well, 3 for each piece, so the combos would be simply 3 * 3 * 3 = 27. I thought about that, but I don't think it would work, since it would go by what you did in the plot, so if you could sell it, it would either have to stay the same (Meaning there would be 27 different actual items) or chanmge according to what kind of wand was needed on the plot for you (Which would be problematic on those who never did it).


Besides, doesn't it change everytime you do it?



Anyways, I'm not 100% sure if it was item named like that, but I doesn't find one anymore, at the very least.


Wand of Xandra


It sounds pretty cool. I would prefer it as a wearable over a BD item though.


Searching for:


Wand of Xandra



I did not find anything. :( Please try again and I will search elsewhere!


Gah, I'm stupid! I searcehd it from there, trying plenty of different choices, but not this. -.- Yeah, Wand of Xandra should be a prize then.


I want it to be a weapon though. There's not enough "magic" high-end weapons. In HT, we have 2 swords and a Trident. -.-


And that said, since it could break that door open it has to be something good, right?


Searching for:


Wand of Xandra



I did not find anything. :( Please try again and I will search elsewhere!


Gah, I'm stupid! I searcehd it from there, trying plenty of different choices, but not this. -.- Yeah, Wand of Xandra should be a prize then.


I want it to be a weapon though. There's not enough "magic" high-end weapons. In HT, we have 2 swords and a Trident. -.-


And that said, since it could break that door open it has to be something good, right?

Maybe both? Perhaps TNT could make it into a wearable BD item, haha!


I agree with dante, there is not enough good high end weapons in the tower. and I have seen the battlepedia. 99.9% of the weapons are crap. so i wouldnt mind a good high powered weapon. but i would like to see a wearable or two like hanso's coat or something.


I agree with dante, there is not enough good high end weapons in the tower. and I have seen the battlepedia. 99.9% of the weapons are crap. so i wouldnt mind a good high powered weapon. but i would like to see a wearable or two like hanso's coat or something.

i think hanso's coat would be awesome, it could have two settings open or closed like he does in the comic, that way part of your pets face would be hidden that would be cool. i also like the comment about making the wand wearable/ a bd item!!!


Well, 3 for each piece, so the combos would be simply 3 * 3 * 3 = 27. I thought about that, but I don't think it would work, since it would go by what you did in the plot, so if you could sell it, it would either have to stay the same (Meaning there would be 27 different actual items) or chanmge according to what kind of wand was needed on the plot for you (Which would be problematic on those who never did it).


Besides, doesn't it change everytime you do it?



Anyways, I'm not 100% sure if it was item named like that, but I doesn't find one anymore, at the very least.

oh yah...well it would be cool if we could change it to fit us, like there's one item, but then there's an option where we can customize it to fit what we like...


oh yah...well it would be cool if we could change it to fit us, like there's one item, but then there's an option where we can customize it to fit what we like...

thats what my idea was with hanso's jacket is it could be ziped up or unzipped and it would look cool you know?


That is if his coat has a zipper. ;) Not knocking the idea, just saying. It looks like his coat is a button up.

your right it is a button up, what i meant is like if a pet was wearing it they could button it up to cover the mouth like he does in comic nine page four, pannel 8


I wouldn't mind if we had a non-tradable free ticket for one Fountain Faerie paint job. Kinda like that Robo Zapper or whatever it was called a few years back. Because, unlike other people, I have absolutely NO luck when it comes to getting FFQ's...still haven't gotten one.


I wouldn't mind if we had a non-tradable free ticket for one Fountain Faerie paint job. Kinda like that Robo Zapper or whatever it was called a few years back. Because, unlike other people, I have absolutely NO luck when it comes to getting FFQ's...still haven't gotten one.

in al of my accounts that iv had(and ive had many they all seem to get hacked though) ive never had a fountain faerie quest eaither so your not alone in that boat


Yes it seems the wand parts change every time you do it. Either that or I forgot to write down everything.


Yes it seems the wand parts change every time you do it. Either that or I forgot to write down everything.

yeah the parts change every time you do the quest. so im getting far along with my training i have my 55 str boost, and im training to 53 deffence as i type, so ill have my 55 def boost before the next onslaught(probably spelled wrong) incurs. hopefully i can get my hp to 60 doubtfull though


Well if they give a coupon of getting hidden tower items for free as a plot prize, I will be content! :D


Now THERE'S an idea! A gift voucher for 10 million np with discounts applied.

thats a really nifty idea but i doubt it will happen a ticket to the fountain faerie is far more likely, cause it would be less expensive that way, but i can appreciate the out of the box wishful thinking :yes:


I like the idea of Hanso's coat! Or maybe Hanso's lock pick kit for those wannabe thieves out there... I'm just excited to see what all the prizes will be! Maybe they will release a new set of wearable wings since it is a faerie plot.


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