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Petpage not working IE?


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I have a webbie for my guild, and after reading a whole bunch of tutorials I thought I got it. Turns out my layout isn't compatible in IE. The main div slide over to the right causing it to cover up my other divs. I would include screenshots, but when I previews my post they were too big. :(

Heres my code:

body {background-color:999999}

#about {width:550px; height:550px; text-align: center;margin:0 auto;border:2px solid ;margin-left:80px;padding-top:10px;padding:5px; overflow:auto;background-color:#cccccc;}

#navigation {right: 0;width: 200px;border:2px solid;margin-right:140px;text-align:center;height:250px;background-color:#cccccc;overflow:auto;}

#links {right: 0;width: 200px;border:2px solid;margin-right:140px;margin-top:275px;text-align:center;height:250px;background-color:#cccccc;overflow:auto;}

h2 {background:#999999;color:#ffffff;font:23pt Hobo Std;text-align:center;margin-top:5px;}
h3 {background:#999999;color:#ffffff;font:13pt Hobo Std;text-align:center;margin-top:5px;}
<div id="navigation" style="position:absolute;">
<a href="#about">About Us</a>
<a href="#rules">Rules</a>
<a href="#warning">Warnings</a>
<a href="#ranks">Ranks and Points</a>
<a href="#newbies">New Members</a>
<a href="#activities">Activities</a>
<a href="#council">Council</a>
<div id="links" style="position:absolute;">
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/~Paco_Taco2">Portal</a> 
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4055756">Guild</a>

<div id="about" style="position:absolute;">
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i54.tinypic.com/29d8wh3.png" border="2">
<h2><a name="about">About Us</h2></a>
Neoflare is a guild were you can come have fun and relax. You won't feel alone here, but you also won't feel overwhelmed, we managed to find the perfect balance. We are a neopets related guild, but that doesn't mean we just talk about neopets, we talk about a lot of things from cars to salad. This isn't just a place to relax, it is a place to get help when you need it. If you pet is hungry check out our cafe, if their sick check out our hospital. All members are alowed to use our hospital regardless of rank or how expensive the medicine is. We do have a donation shop, and we always love donations. The thing is you don't have to donate to participate in our activities or raise you rank, we decide if you get permoted by how you are as a member not by how many neopoints you donate. Since, we want you to feel cozy we don't have that many rules, just enough to make sure there isn't alot of chaos. Lastly, we always love getting advice, questions and suggestions from our members.
<h2><a name="rules">Rules</h2></a>
Like I said above, we have a few rules to keep things organized and peacful:
<b>No Scamming:</b> We do not tolerate scamming at all! You will be kicked out of the guild and will most likely be reported to TNT. If you even think someone is scamming someone report them IMMEDIENTLY!
<b>No Spam:</b> Do not spam the message boards or another members inbox. By spam we mean pointless messages that are under three words. Please just don't spam, okay?
<b>No Chatspeak:</b> By chatspeak I mean:diz iz ch@tzp3@k. Smilies are okay, so are things like: brb,g2g and lol. Just don't take it too far.
<b>No Fighting:</b> don't pick fights with other people. Small debates are okay, but please keep it under control.
<b>Follow Activity Rules:</b> Some activities have their own custom rules, you can find them on the activities page. You need to follow those rules.
<b>Enjoy Yourself:</b> This is a guild for you to have fun, so have fun!
<h2><a name="warnings">Warnings</h2></a>
You get 5 chances before you are banned, unless you did something like scammed someone then you are automatically banned.
<b>Warning 1:</b> A sub-council or council member neomails you saying not to do it again. 
<b>Warning 2:</b> You get an activity ban and can not participate in activities for a certain numbe rof days choosen by the sub-counil or the council.
<b>Warning 3:</b> You get suspended from the guild for 2-10 days, depending on the charge.
<b>Warning 4:</b> You get suspended from the guild for 10-20 days, depending on the charge.
<b>Warning 5:</b> You get deleted. You can rejoin the guild, but your points count goes back to zero, your ranks goes back to newbie and you basically have to start off fresh.
<b>Warning 6:</b> You used up all of your chances and you are banned, with no hope of ever joining the guild again.
Since these consenquences might seem harsh, and we try to be member oriented. You can ask to go on trial. The council will gather a case against you and you will gather a case for you. Your fellow guild members will vote for whether you are guilty or innocent. You may only go on trial if you are facing suspension or above.
<h2><a name="ranks">Ranks & Points</h2></a>
There are five differnet ranks, you must reach a certain amount of points to be permoted to the next rank level. You get awarded flare points for completing certain activities, posting and for being a good member. Sadly, you can also have your points taken away. Only council members can give and take away points.
Here are our current ranks:<br>
<b>Newbie:</b> 0pts
<b>Member:</b> 300pts
<b>Senior:</b> 500pts
<b>Veteren:</b> 1000pts
<b>Super Member:</b> This is a special rank, you can only get it by winning the member of the month contest, or by reaching 5000pts.
<h2><a name="newbies">New Members</h2></a>
If your new here there are some things you need to do:
1. Neofriend lil_mail1998, so you can participate in autions and trades.
2. Post a message on the guild boards introducing your self.
3. Enable guild mailings so we can alert you to important updates. If you don't know how to do that go to your prefences under your account, then select the forth one down, it should say enable guild mailings. We won't spam, we promise.
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i53.tinypic.com/14nhag7.png" width="200" height="100">
<i>Drag image into new tab for full size.</i>
4.Get yourself into the yearbook. You can find our the link on our portal.
5. Have fun!
<h2><a name="activities">Activities</h2></a>
We offer a wide range of activties for you to be a part of. You can find them at our activity page. Please follow all activity rules. As a reminder we follow neopet's rules. We do NOT have contests, none of our activities give out any items or neopoints.
<h2><a name="council">Council</h2></a>
So far two of our council spots are full. When we feel we need more help we will hold an election. The council will narrow it down to 5 candidates and member will vote for their next council member.

Sorry it is so long.

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body {background-color:999999}

#about {width:550px; height:550px; text-align: center;margin:0 auto;border:2px solid ;margin-left:80px;padding-

top:10px;padding:5px; overflow:auto;background-color:#cccccc;}

#navigation {left: 750px; width: 200px;border:2px solid;margin-right:140px;text-align:center;height:250px;background-color:#cccccc;overflow:auto;}

#links {left: 750px; width: 200px;border:2px solid;margin-right:140px;margin-top:275px;text-


h2 {background:#999999;color:#ffffff;font:23pt Hobo Std;text-align:center;margin-top:5px;}
h3 {background:#999999;color:#ffffff;font:13pt Hobo Std;text-align:center;margin-top:5px;}
<div id="navigation" style="position:absolute;">
<a href="#about">About Us</a>
<a href="#rules">Rules</a>
<a href="#warning">Warnings</a>
<a href="#ranks">Ranks and Points</a>
<a href="#newbies">New Members</a>
<a href="#activities">Activities</a>
<a href="#council">Council</a>
<div id="links" style="position:absolute;">
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/~Paco_Taco2">Portal</a> 
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?id=4055756">Guild</a>

<div id="about" style="position:absolute;">
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i54.tinypic.com/29d8wh3.png" border="2">
<h2><a name="about">About Us</h2></a>
Neoflare is a guild were you can come have fun and relax. You won't feel alone here, but you also won't feel overwhelmed, we 

managed to find the perfect balance. We are a neopets related guild, but that doesn't mean we just talk about neopets, we 

talk about a lot of things from cars to salad. This isn't just a place to relax, it is a place to get help when you need it. 

If you pet is hungry check out our cafe, if their sick check out our hospital. All members are alowed to use our hospital 

regardless of rank or how expensive the medicine is. We do have a donation shop, and we always love donations. The thing is 

you don't have to donate to participate in our activities or raise you rank, we decide if you get permoted by how you are as 

a member not by how many neopoints you donate. Since, we want you to feel cozy we don't have that many rules, just enough to 

make sure there isn't alot of chaos. Lastly, we always love getting advice, questions and suggestions from our members.
<h2><a name="rules">Rules</h2></a>
Like I said above, we have a few rules to keep things organized and peacful:
<b>No Scamming:</b> We do not tolerate scamming at all! You will be kicked out of the guild and will most likely be reported 

to TNT. If you even think someone is scamming someone report them IMMEDIENTLY!
<b>No Spam:</b> Do not spam the message boards or another members inbox. By spam we mean pointless messages that are under 

three words. Please just don't spam, okay?
<b>No Chatspeak:</b> By chatspeak I mean:diz iz ch@tzp3@k. Smilies are okay, so are things like: brb,g2g and lol. Just don't 

take it too far.
<b>No Fighting:</b> don't pick fights with other people. Small debates are okay, but please keep it under control.
<b>Follow Activity Rules:</b> Some activities have their own custom rules, you can find them on the activities page. You need 

to follow those rules.
<b>Enjoy Yourself:</b> This is a guild for you to have fun, so have fun!
<h2><a name="warnings">Warnings</h2></a>
You get 5 chances before you are banned, unless you did something like scammed someone then you are automatically banned.
<b>Warning 1:</b> A sub-council or council member neomails you saying not to do it again. 
<b>Warning 2:</b> You get an activity ban and can not participate in activities for a certain numbe rof days choosen by the 

sub-counil or the council.
<b>Warning 3:</b> You get suspended from the guild for 2-10 days, depending on the charge.
<b>Warning 4:</b> You get suspended from the guild for 10-20 days, depending on the charge.
<b>Warning 5:</b> You get deleted. You can rejoin the guild, but your points count goes back to zero, your ranks goes back to 

newbie and you basically have to start off fresh.
<b>Warning 6:</b> You used up all of your chances and you are banned, with no hope of ever joining the guild again.
Since these consenquences might seem harsh, and we try to be member oriented. You can ask to go on trial. The council will 

gather a case against you and you will gather a case for you. Your fellow guild members will vote for whether you are guilty 

or innocent. You may only go on trial if you are facing suspension or above.
<h2><a name="ranks">Ranks & Points</h2></a>
There are five differnet ranks, you must reach a certain amount of points to be permoted to the next rank level. You get 

awarded flare points for completing certain activities, posting and for being a good member. Sadly, you can also have your 

points taken away. Only council members can give and take away points.
Here are our current ranks:<br>
<b>Newbie:</b> 0pts
<b>Member:</b> 300pts
<b>Senior:</b> 500pts
<b>Veteren:</b> 1000pts
<b>Super Member:</b> This is a special rank, you can only get it by winning the member of the month contest, or by reaching 

<h2><a name="newbies">New Members</h2></a>
If your new here there are some things you need to do:
1. Neofriend lil_mail1998, so you can participate in autions and trades.
2. Post a message on the guild boards introducing your self.
3. Enable guild mailings so we can alert you to important updates. If you don't know how to do that go to your prefences 

under your account, then select the forth one down, it should say enable guild mailings. We won't spam, we promise.
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i53.tinypic.com/14nhag7.png" width="200" height="100">
<i>Drag image into new tab for full size.</i>
4.Get yourself into the yearbook. You can find our the link on our portal.
5. Have fun!
<h2><a name="activities">Activities</h2></a>
We offer a wide range of activties for you to be a part of. You can find them at our activity page. Please follow all 

activity rules. As a reminder we follow neopet's rules. We do NOT have contests, none of our activities give out any items or 

<h2><a name="council">Council</h2></a>
So far two of our council spots are full. When we feel we need more help we will hold an election. The council will narrow it 

down to 5 candidates and member will vote for their next council member.



It seems to be already better like this.

Instead of positionning one element using left, and two elements using right, they all calcul from left now. So if someone has a smaller screen, the menu won't be hidden by the main content area.


This is one option that you have.


Another one would be to float your div.

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