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Step Five

Shadaw the Rampage

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25th October 23:30 - At last, the flood of enemies has ground to a halt. Thousands of brave Neopian heroes put themselves in harm's way, at great cost to life and limb, but the spectres finally seem to have met their match and withdrawn from Brightvale.


Uh, we're still battling here, hello?

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Yeah, that probably means there won't be any more waves after the current one. :yes:

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On the Battle for Brightvale page, you know how they have little "quotes" from the characters? I noticed this one by Brynn:

We haven't got enough soldiers to hold them off forever! Perhaps Meridell can come to our aid.


YES! This would be awesome!! :D


And I'm not sure when the fighting will end...

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Whew! I, for one, was more than ready for a break. Time to rest--there will be more battles ahead, I'm sure.


Final tally for this round:


Minions: 1372

Destroyers: 1070

Brutes: 992

Conquerors: 404

Furies: 963

Zealots: 209


Total: 5010 (0.09% of total kills, an improvement from Round 1 :))

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i just couldnt finish them off. every time id fight id lose. id draw rarely but my account balance is at zero and my weapons just didnt have the kick to handle them. i couldnt afford a freezer. so i more or less just stopped. will it hurt my plot score. yea, but im ok with that sense i at least got all the achievements.

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