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Step Five

Shadaw the Rampage

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Hmmm...I don't know what happened but one moment I was fighting (and lost) a destroyer and the next moment I suddenly lost to Punchbag Bob. Hmm..I think I refreshed on the wrong page. :crying:


So embarassing! I lost to the bag... :*

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  On 10/25/2010 at 1:58 AM, Battler Dante said:

Shinystarters: It's just a regular food, don't do it.


Zia: you lost to the Brute, pressed theBack Button and went to Bob, and lost. Nothing new, I do that few times a day xD


It's also possible to lose to Bob even if you start with HP though.

yah with the genie thing and some other weapons. there's a topic somewhere here related to that...


EDIT: Boo yah! I got the brute cap woo hoo! And i beat the last one with 20 hp left! Cuz of my awesome earthen scorchstone the first turn and then burrow the second :]

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Huzzah friend! I just actually capped brutes right now too. Yay! I'm so proud. Although, I am getting kind of bored of this. I think that may be enough battledome for the night for me. I suppose I will get some more battling in tomorrow if the battle is still on.

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Ours is a tad bit closer to each other than to you, Dante. (He has a better statted pet but I have better equipment, and we're about equal, interestingly.) Trust me, if I had my frozen acct back (which I won't), I might have given you a run for your money. (That acct was around ever since Meridell vs. Darigan.)


Then again, I was horrible at earning money then too.

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16 Brutes. I'll keep trying but they're almost double my hp. More training and maybe I'll have a chance at some point tomorrow - maybe even tonight. That 20 strength boost would probably go a long way right now.

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