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Please. I feel as though the PS1 would have a good chance.


You are aware that Red Dead Redemption, Halo: Reach, Mass Effect 2 and basically any other nominee for Game of the Year, are sequels? It was the same thing last year, the year before, etc.


Halo 3 also was done before. In fact, it was highly overrated and I don't like it. But look at all the critical acclaim it got. Galaxy 2 did something different in each world, and it had you spending hours to get all the stars, including those blasted comets. Halo did the same thing over and over and over and over, to the point that it's just plain boring.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if they give a game a perfect score, and it's the ONLY game to get a perfect score throughout the whole year, and you don't nominate it for game of the year, kinda makes you a hypocrite. Don't give a game a perfect score if you aren't even going to give it a thought for game of the year.


And once again, I have no problem with Red Dead Redemption winning. I cannot play the game since I'm barred from GTA and any game related to it (I have a protective father). I don't mind it if Galaxy 2 doesn't win game of the year, especially when it will win it from several different places. But with all the acclaim it's got, and the fact that it has the highest average score of all time (tied with GTA 4), it should at the very least get the nomination.

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GTA 4 wasn't anything special, why did it get such a high score? :/

And yea, RDR is a sequel to red dead revolver, so it's been done


Ok my bad, that RDR is a sequel. But the one difference between Halo 3/RDR etc and Super mario galaxy.


Sure they've al been done before, but Halo/RDR and most of the games, they have a good enough story to keep you involved and always keep you playing wanting to know what will happen.


Mario though, even though it is a decent game (I prefer the early games tbh) they have the same story in every single game. Princess got captured and in most games there are 8 worlds each with its own boss, and once you start playing, you know, there won't be no story twists, friendlies become foes etc. You basically go through the worlds to rescue the princess.


People enjoy the games because its Mario which means good gameplay. But to be Game of the year, you need good gameplay, good story, good graphics etc.


But after looking at the choices more, my bet to win it would be "Heavy Rain". Never played this game but it has a great combination of all 3.


Wanted to do something mind-numbing so I played SWBF2 for like an hour earlier. Got a match with no deaths for the first time in months, finally. xD


I know Mario doesn't have a good story, but it's one of those games that would be great even without a story

and Halo doesn't have that great of a story imho :/

Heavy Rain was fantastic


Mario though, even though it is a decent game (I prefer the early games tbh) they have the same story in every single game. Princess got captured and in most games there are 8 worlds each with its own boss, and once you start playing, you know, there won't be no story twists, friendlies become foes etc. You basically go through the worlds to rescue the princess.


People enjoy the games because its Mario which means good gameplay. But to be Game of the year, you need good gameplay, good story, good graphics etc.


But after looking at the choices more, my bet to win it would be "Heavy Rain". Never played this game but it has a great combination of all 3.


Mario has never been about a story. Neither has Pokemon and a good share of other Nintendo games. A game that has a great story but weak gameplay falls short. Gameplay is the biggest aspect of a video game (other than being able to play the game period). Graphics don't matter THAT much. Story is great and all and really helps, but once again, it doesn't help much when gameplay is crappy.


And for one thing, Super Meat Boy is the same thing as Mario: the girl is kidnapped, go save her. And it's been critically acclaimed, and in some places also has been nominated for Game of the Year.


These are my opinions here, based on games that I actually played:


Story wise: Mass Effect 2, Heavy Rain, and Alan Wake.


Gameplay wise: Galaxy 2, Mass Effect 2, Pac Man Championship DX, and Super Meat Boy.


Graphics wise: Galaxy 2, Epic Yarn, Halo Reach, and Black Ops.


It would be great if Pac Man Championship DX won Game of the Year, seeing that it's been nominated in some places. It would be a giant slap in the face to the FPS juggernauts like Halo and CoD. It would be a great sign to show that Pac Man is still alive and kicking.


Another game that I think could've had a nomination is Space Invaders: Infinite Gene. I loved how in the beginning it said "The King of Games Strikes Back". And it's an adreadaline rush with gameplay that changes every time, while still hanging into the roots of the original classic.


I got Madden 05 for Christmas and am playing it on my Xbox.

Such a great game.

-made a new team know as the Darigan Citadel Minions and is currently making new plays for said team-


I'm now even more pissed.


Gamespot announced their choice for game of the year.


Super Mario Galaxy 2: 10/10


Red Dead Redemption: 9.5/10


Take a guess who won....


Please note that with this RDR has won almost all the awards it was nominated for in the Gamespot Awards. And RDR was nominated for 23 AWARDS, which is over half of the entire ballot. This means that this one game won over half of the entire show. This is how overrated the game is.


Now I don't mind the game winning, even though it's highly overrated and I found it very boring upon playing it. What I do mind is how Gamespot completely turned on their word. They gave a game a perfect 10. It was the first game to get a perfect 10 on the site since Metal Gear Solid 4. And it loses to a game with a lower score. It's a complete slap in the face.


Even people that hate the Wii notice this and are calling bullcrap on it. People say that RDR didn't deserve GOTY. They all say that either:


Mass Effect 2

Galaxy 2

or Starcraft 2 (be happy AA)


should've won GOTY. RDR is just GTA only with a western theme plastered all over it, and is nothing truely special.


Oh, and we got trailers for Pokemon Black/White, Batman Arkham City, Prototype 2, and more.


I'll review some of the games I got for the holidays soon.


I'm helping my Dad through Assassins Creed for the holidays. His only video game experience before this was Mario64 and even then he got about 3 stars. I'm basically playing the game for him haha


I'm currently playing Epic Mickey, and I'm stuck on Mickeyjunk Mountain. I've got two TVs, but I can't find the remaining one.


On a sidenote, I find it rather cute how once you restore a TV, if you change the Splatter to good, it automatically starts watching the TV along with any bunny children.


Sims 3, mostly just playing around with create-a-sim. Even if playing the game gets stale, I will never tire of create-a-sim. That could be the whole game, for all I care.


this was also the last nonneopets game i played. well actually no. wii fit was. but before that was sims. and i love the new night life expansion pack :D :D :D



COD: black ops is actually quite fun now that my brother has forced me to play a few times. im finally getting better at fps's on xbox




To put it mildly, I was shocked by Treyarch. I found World at War (Treyarch's first attempt at CoD) to be very weak, with the exception being the DS port (review coming soon). But they've fixed their mistakes and even fixed some bugs from MW2 in the latest game from the CoD franchise. First off, let's start with the campaign. It's not as good as MW2. That kinda says enough. However Black Ops did a job well done giving twists on the Cold War and retelling the story. It won't last very long, kinda like MW2, but it makes up for it with the multiplayer.


The multiplayer has been repaired from the ground up, fixing any bugs that was in WaW's and MW2's multiplayer, enough to the point where I can say that Black Ops has the best multiplayer of 2010, and the best multiplayer the the history of the franchise. Customization is back and offers new attactments and weapons at your disposal. The maps are well designed and show well detail. The only con to the multiplayer is the less amount of killstreak rewards compared to MW2. And I'm kinda sad to see the tactical nuke get kicked from the bunch, but it isn't that bad of a problem since nukes of that calibur don't exist in the 60s. So it's nice to see that they actually remained historically accurate.


And when Treyarch is developing, you know that co-op zombies will return. Brand new maps and some returning maps from WaW are included in this gore fest. Zombie mode can hold up to 4 players in cooperative play as you try to escape the zombies while taking them down one at a time. But this feels rather slow and gets boring after a while. And this means that Spec Ops missions from MW2 had to be given the boot. I mean, zombies is good, but it also has it's downfalls that make you wish that Spec Ops remained in the game instead of the zombies, or even both being in the game. Don't bother getting the game just for the zombies, because then you would be disappointed. You're better off with Left 4 Dead if you want a real zombie fest.


Altogether the game feels better and worse than MW2 at the same time. But it's definately an improvement from Treyarch's last attempt. The multiplayer is some of the best I've ever played, and makes up for the rather short campaign and the fun but sometimes boring zombies.


Black Ops gets a 9.3/10, wins my award for Best Multiplayer, and is 3rd in my top 10 Games of the Year list. My full awards list can be found here, and you can even post your own choices.


Wii fit! I'm not sure about it's credibility for toning my bod, but it's a very stern little trainer! It gives me tough love when it tells me about my balance and coordination, so funny. I love. :wub_anim:


Currently playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I'll give a full review when I'm able to play the multiplayer.

I beat that game and played a lot of multiplayer, thought it was great, but I'm too lazy to write a review lol


Wii fit! I'm not sure about it's credibility for toning my bod, but it's a very stern little trainer! It gives me tough love when it tells me about my balance and coordination, so funny. I love. :wub_anim:


Wii Fit alone helped me lose around 12 lbs playing everyday and following an eating schedule. (Not necessarily healthier food, just portioned better). :) Keep steady and be mindful what you eat and the tonage will come.


Last game I played would be... Dragon Quest IX to get the updates, and that was on break from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time since I made one mistake and wiped out for the third time. >:O


I beat that game and played a lot of multiplayer, thought it was great, but I'm too lazy to write a review lol


My computer freezes every time I connect it to the Xbox to connect to Xbox Live, so I can't use my 3 month card. :(


I just played Maple Story over the weekend. (It's a MMO for those who haven't heard of it.) My husband got me started on it in July of 09. (I wasn't into gaming and I like cutesy, so he thought this would be a good way to get me started. But it's been at least a year since we've been able to play again.)


I love this game. I know, it's super cutesy, but I love that. And it's not complicated, so it's a fun game perfect for just zoning out while playing because it doesn't take a ton of thought. (WoW just confuses me.) Plus, they just re-did the graphics and added new features for training up to level 20, including specialized training grounds.


Maplestory was too cutesy. Runescape is just plain out lagged, along with just about every other one. The only other MMO I have yet to try is WoW. And I highly doubt I'll like it, let alone become addicted to it like a lot of people out there.


I just played Maple Story over the weekend. (It's a MMO for those who haven't heard of it.) My husband got me started on it in July of 09. (I wasn't into gaming and I like cutesy, so he thought this would be a good way to get me started. But it's been at least a year since we've been able to play again.)


I love this game. I know, it's super cutesy, but I love that. And it's not complicated, so it's a fun game perfect for just zoning out while playing because it doesn't take a ton of thought. (WoW just confuses me.) Plus, they just re-did the graphics and added new features for training up to level 20, including specialized training grounds.


I used to play maple story, but over the years its admin system and changes to the game have been too drastic for me to enjoy. Plus, when I was playing, I got way too obsessed into it in trying to level and such. Did get a rather nice 130s corsair before I quit. (I think its corsair...)


I used to play maple story, but over the years its admin system and changes to the game have been too drastic for me to enjoy. Plus, when I was playing, I got way too obsessed into it in trying to level and such. Did get a rather nice 130s corsair before I quit. (I think its corsair...)


I haven't gotten to play it a whole lot. We probably played it for only a month or two then we started having internet issues. Then when I tried to log into my account this weekend, after over a year of not touching it, and it had been frozen for advertising other sites and such. So apparently, someone got into it, and made posts on the forums. (Since the game and my characters were protected by a pin.) We had to start all over. :( I think I only made it to level 14 on Saturday.


Ah yes, Maplestory, my little brother's train-to-level-eighty-in-a-week game. :P One thing I can say about it: it's hard to beat for cuteness. xD

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