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The Faeries' Ruin: More battling ahead!


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I've already given up on the plot. As soon as I found out the Battledome was involved I quit.

Well to be frank, that sounds a little extreme. It's not necessary at all to help out in the Battledome stages of a plot if you don't want to. In fact, I've missed the battling parts of some plots completely and still gotten some decent prizes. :)

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I've already given up on the plot. As soon as I found out the Battledome was involved I quit.


I don't think the BD will be a huge part of it. From what's been discovered so far, there's only around 9 challengers, 3 of which we've already finished with. So the rest will be puzzles and comic chapters. I'm not too sure I can do much on the next BD part (my highest stat pet is still very low stats) but I'm going to give it my best shot. But even if you don't want to have anything to do with the BD (Which I don't blame you at all.) it would probably be worth it to still do the puzzles, if you enjoy that type of thing.

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Okay, well I've worked out a way to get all my money back, once the plot is over. SO right now, I'm spending it all on codestones.

I can only use my Poogle, who is the strongest of my 4 pets. (The other 3 are ill atm, D: )


Taffieh's stats at the moment, are...


Level 16 (Managed to train level twice today, but second time, I got to go up two levels.. result! lol)

Hit Points: 25 / 25

Strength: GREAT (22)

Defence: beyond godly - Currently training.

Movement: super speedy

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These are my pets stats, i am training her in endurance but i accidently gained too many levels from coltzans shrine so now i have to pay 2 codestones :(


Name : seablueangeluni

Species : Uni

Agility : 20 (mach 4)

Attack Strength : 24 (GREAT (24))

Defence Strength : 25 (GREAT (25))

Current hp: 23 / 23

Level : 22

i cant even beat the destroyer once, not even end it in a draw sad02.gif

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