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I've decided to run another contest and help those who are working on the packrat avatar.




-All you have to do is write a caption for the picture below. It can be in dialogue or story form, as long as it makes sense!




-Follow the TDN rules.

-There are no min or max words. You can write as much as you want or as little as you want (as long as it makes sense and it impresses me)

-IF people don't show much interest, the contest will be canceled. Meaning that we need a minimum of 5 entries.

-You may comment on other stories or captions, but try not to spam.

- You must have AT LEAST 100 posts to win! (meaning, you CAN post your caption now, but you MUST have 100 posts by the deadline).




-The winner will get all of the junk items I have to help him/her get the packrat avvie. *NOTE* I'm not saying that I'm going to send the winner 1,000 items. I seriously don't know how many junk items I have, but I have A LOT so it should help the person who wins.

-Again, keep in mind these are JUNK items.

-Okay, I'm not THAT mean lol. I have to give something good to the winner. So the winner ALSO gets 1,000 neopoints that s/he may use to get more items for the packrat avvie.

-And because I'm cool like that :king: I will give 2nd and 3rd place also a few items (Clarification: these items will come from a friend who is donating some of her junk items to me) that should help them, plus 500nps!


1st place: All of my junk items+ 1,000nps

2nd place: Just a few junk items+500nps

3rd place: Just a few junk items+500nps


You may post ANY questions on here or you can always PM me! Enjoy the contest and remember that this is a contest for the ones who are working on the Packrat Avvie.




-THE CONTEST HAS ENDED. I am right now reading all of the entries and winners will be announced soon and how you can claim your prizes. Good luck!


Here's the pic you will use to write your caption/story.





If you give ALL of your items to Winner 1, then how do you give a few to Winners 2&3?


Also, can you write just one line as a caption?

If you give ALL of your items to Winner 1, then how do you give a few to Winners 2&3?


Also, can you write just one line as a caption?



The few will come from a friend and as for the one line, sure as long as it makes sense and it really tells something.

Hi, I'm not sure I'll have 100 posts by the end of the contest, but I will try. If I do, I'm wondering - Do we pm the caption to you or if we post it here?


You post it here. Yea, I'm pretty sure you can get 100 posts by the deadline.


I would love to dio it but I hav to go on vacation for a week and I already have the packrat avvie :guiltysmiley:


OMG! I really want to enter this!


Oh noes! I'm never good at caption, though the fact is I don't really understand what a caption is, though I often read Neopets captions... Can someone explain the meaning of caption to me?

Oh noes! I'm never good at caption, though the fact is I don't really understand what a caption is, though I often read Neopets captions... Can someone explain the meaning of caption to me?


Captions are basically convos that you think are going on between the characters in a picture. For example, you see on a Neopets picture a Zafara with a clown hat and a Scorchio looking funny at it. You would write a special dialog that you think it is going on between those two:


Zafara: I look so silly wearing this hat

Scorchio: and you just noticed that?


Captions are suppose to be a funny dialog. So in this case, you would have to write a funny dialog that you think it's going on between Orson (the pig) and Wade (the duck). Or you can just write a short story on what you think is going on (it can even be just 1 line, as long as it is funny!). I would recommend having more than two lines because there are 2 characters.


I hope this clears things up for you.


Pig: And that is why trash is good for you!!!


Duck: MMM! That cloud looks like a pie!


Pig: Ahem!..........AHEM!!!!!!!!!


Duck: Huh!? What?




Duck: Oh! *applauds*


Pig: Thank You!! *bows* Just a question, why are you staring at the guy that just won the pie-eating contest?


Its not much...just to get everyone started


heres mine, i heard it somewhere, migth have been to a line from a screenplay i wrote for my Alevel film studies


Orson: Wade ya know, even though you're making a movie, you're still a coward

Wade: Yes, Everyone thinks im a coward, and I resent it

Orson: But Wade you are a Coward

Wade: yes and thats why I resnt it


*waits for an uber geek to copy paste the lines from the actul show* heh


that line i found from my friend, like i said, writing s scareenplay for my film studies coursework (after my friend broke the lighting equipment we were making a film) and my friend told me that idea, my film is about, a small cul de sac, wheer all group of kids go on crazy adventures, and aliens would have invaded and one characher is off my friend who enjoys making films so talking to friends wondering for more lines and he came up with that


My friend could have gotten is from the show, i dunno, i don't wanna know, but for teh coursework i got a 'B' so must have been good


I'll give it a go.


Pig: What are you looking at?

Duck: Stars.

Pig: How do you find stars in broad daylight? *evil laughs*

Duck: Then what are you looking at?

Pig: A stupid duck claiming he is looking at stars.


Pigge: What are ye doing Dooki?

Dooki: Setting up my CCTV cameras. I'm hoping to find the theif who stole all my cuckoo clocks.

Pigge: *nervous cough* I hope ye find him. *coughs again*

Dooki: Something wrong Pigge?

Pigge:*cough* Nope, just swallowed a fly. *cough*


Pig: According to my statistical research, that metior should hit the ground about 300 yards over there. Probably in about 3 mins. So you should be able to see it yet.


Duck: AAhhhh, there it is, yep I can see it, here it comes. QUICK DUCK


Pig: huh? yea I know your a duck...


Duck: NO DUCK....oh no...ouch, apparently your statistical research was WRONG!

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