frisco Posted December 18, 2006 Posted December 18, 2006 I understand this sounds really stupid, but I find it really hard to get in touch with the people in charge of the Neopets site. At this time i'm so angry with them i'm tempted to forbid my daughter from even going to that place. I have a 10 year old Daughter. She worked for months to earn enough Neopoints to buy a baby paint brush, and when she got the stupid thing she painted her neopet. In less than a day someone had somehow gotten hold of her password and logged into her account. They changed the password and her email, and so she was unable to access her own account. I tried emailing the Neopet team and calling the phone number to talk to someone, but they never responded to my emails and were never there to talk to when I called. I got a taped recorded message that no one ever responded too. So my daughter opens another account, save again, and gets another baby paint brush. She paints her Neopet...then the very next day her account is frozen. As usual we are unable to talk to Neopets to find out why they are screwing us over like this. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Ruto Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 First of all, Neopets is like that. Sometime unfair, but there's nothing we can really do about it. TNT is extremely busy now, and they don't have time to talk individualy with people. They get thousands of emails each day, and it takes them a while to respond. The best thing to do is to keep trying and hope for the best. :)
Awesome_Paul Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 whoa thats is some very unlucky luck, but yeah if you emailed them, they should respond, my account got frozen once, emailed them saying very unfair, had it unfrosen 3 months later
Ellie_Penguin Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Well you can try this form: You just have to be very patient and try not to e-mail them a lot. You can also try to mail them or fax them at the number you are suppose to send the Parent Consent form. Hope this helps.
The Big Cheese Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Yeah, they are VERY slow, but if your daughter is going to try again (dont ban her, its a free site and at least the have something to try and get your account back) try using a mega super hard password like 23itb4v7fgv3iubweif248fg, that no one would guess. Some people look for users that are young but have a valuable pet and keep trying to hack them. They suck. But my best advice is the hard password. And your daughter must be very talented and focused in order to get a baby paintbrush twice ;)
Zac Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 It took me 4 months when my account got frozen but it worked out in the end...maybe the same thing will happen to you!
Guest Merry HBK Xmas! Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 This is kinda hard to explain. Twice scammed? I'm sure this didn't happen, but maybe the same person entered her 2nd account with the same password as the first account she made. He could have been tracking accounts, especially your daughter's and when the moment arrived, zap! he entered and there was another account. TNT froze it to protect that account. I suggest emailing TNT and explaining the problem well, proving that you own that account. Be prepared to answer about how many NP she had, Neofriends, etc. basically anything to prove that the account is yours and that TNT will give it back. Be patient, because TNT takes a lot of time to respond. However, when they will, they have made their decision and I hope that your daughter gets her account back. Good luck. When/If she gets it back, make her put a very strong password, don't make her talk via any IM client, like MSN or AIM, because many scammers await there to make their move and trick people. I have a lot of experience in this field, as I investigate secretly scammer patterns and try to prevent them. In spite of that, many still roam the world, stealing virtual pixels everyday. Lowlifes, eh?
Foxy! Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 Ya, I was frozen unjustly (not getting into why- its a loooong story), and I made a new account, and made like 5,000, and was frozen the next morning, and I emailed them, and made a new account in the mean time. I have 1.7 million neopoints on the thrid account, and they haven't even contacted me about the second one...they can be pretty icky, but you gotta understand they're workin with a few thousand frozen accounts everyday. But they still should have frozen things like that chacked out more thoroughly.
Eric Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 Along with giving her a strong password, like others have said, make sure a PIN number is put onto absolutely everything. While it may 'enhance' the experience of Neopets, don't fax the parental consent form in to allow your child onto the Neoboards. Also block all forms of communication, such as Neomail and Guild Mailing. If no scammer makes contact with your child, you child won't get scammed. Sorry to hear about the scamming + freezing, and good luck!
Mira Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 I need to remind people this. Just remember that Neopets is just a site. The pets are pixels. Nothing is an actual object that you can touch. Some people care too much for their neopets that when they get an accident while giving a pet to someone through the pound they can break down or something. I remember seeing this girl who took it as serious as someone's death. Also making a petition about it. I'm just cautioning you to not take that site too seriously.
Fuzio Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 Welcome to the not-so-wonderful world of Neopets' Customer-No-Service. I've been trying for 4 years to get back accounts of mine that were CG'ed or unjustly frozen. It all just depends on luck and who receives your email as to rather it will be read and dealt with or not. Neopets Support is their #1 problem. I love love ----- It may be just a game, but when you spend years or even months putting effort into earning things just to get them taken away without just cause, I think you have more than a right to get upset.
Eric Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 If I were to be really snarky, I'd suggest that you get premium, and buy lots of merchandise. Maybe they'll notice you then. ;)
Fuzio Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 If I were to be really snarky, I'd suggest that you get premium, and buy lots of merchandise. Maybe they'll notice you then. ;) Lol, Sadly, Premium users do get much quicker responses and actual help from Neopets Support. I do have Premium myself, and I still find it unfair. They still refuse to help me though I have all the proof needed to discredit their claims.
Zac Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 One of my accounts got scammed and then they changed the password...I told Neopets support and got my answer within a week. They said they changed the password to something different but ewhen I tried it nothing happened :(
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